Approvers (tdpur2105m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain a list of valid approvers (individuals or departments) who can approve purchase requisitions and to define a hierarchy in the approval structure.

The approver list is limited to valid employees and valid departments. An approver can be:


You can only specify an approver list if the Requisition Approved in External Workflow Application check box is cleared in the Purchase Requisition Parameters (tdpur0100m200) session.


Approver Type

Indicates whether the approver is a person or a department.


The employee code of an approver who has authority to approve a purchase requisition.

The approver receives requisitions submitted by requesters. The approver can approve or reject a requisition.


If the Approver Type field is Individual, this field defaults to the Department that is linked to the Approver.

If the Approver Type field is Department, enter the department code of an approver department.

Parent Approver

The employee code of an approver's senior in the organization.


The hierarchial position of an employee as an approver in the approval structure.


If X, Y, and Z are approvers in the approval structure, with Z reporting to Y and Y reporting to X, then:

ApproverParent ApproverLevel


Level 0 is the highest level.

Effective Date

The date and time as from which the individual/department is authorized to be an approver.


The date and time on which the approver status of the individual/department expires.