RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000)

Use this session to perform the following:


You can link multiple bidders to an RFQ.



The number of the request for quotation (RFQ).


The status of the RFQ bidder.

Allowed values

RFQ Status


The bidder for whom the request for quotation is intended.


The following fields are filled by default in the current session if they are specified for the bidder in the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session:

  • Line of Business
  • Area
  • Order Discount
  • Purchase Price List
  • Currency
  • Rate Determiner
  • Buy-from Address
  • Buy-from Contact
  • Ship-from Business Partner
  • Invoice-from BP
  • Pay-to BP
  • Delivery Terms
Line of Business

A group of customers, suppliers, or employees that work in the same business sector.

Lines of business can be used as selection criteria when generating reports or inquiries of statistical and historical data.

Default value

If a default value comes up in this field, LN retrieves it from the Line of Business field of the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.


The geographical area of the bidder from where the items will arrive.

Response Date

The last date on which the bidder can submit an RFQ response on the request for quotation.

Default value

The Response Date from the Requests for Quotation (tdpur1501m000) session.


If the response date has expired, and no response line is received from the bidder, you can remove the RFQ in the Delete Requests for Quotation (tdpur1205m000) session.

Expiry Date

The expiry date for the response line.

  • You can also specify/update the expiry date in the Expiry Date for Responded RFQ (tdpur1800s000) session.
  • The expiry date cannot be before the response date.
Returned On

The date the bidder's response is received.


RFQ responses can be specified/updated in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session.

Order Discount

The discount that is valid for the entire request for quotation (RFQ) that is sent to the bidder.

The order discount is expressed as a percentage of the transaction currency. It is also the currency in which the RFQ is expressed.


This discount comes on top of the discount offered on each RFQ line.

Purchase Price List

The purchase price list that is valid for the request for quotation (RFQ)/bidder combination.


Depending on the price book that you select in this field, the price fields and discount fields in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session are filled by default.


The currency in which the bidder's response is expressed.

Exchange Rate Type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

Rate Determiner

The method to decide which date is used to determine the exchange rates.

During the composing process, all amounts in foreign currencies are converted to the home currency, based on the determined exchange rate.


The options you have depend on a company's currency system, which you can define in the Currency System field of the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Purchase Rate

The purchase rate is the exchange rate that is used to calculate the bidder's currency into the home currency.

Default value

LN retrieves the default purchase rate from the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session. The default purchase rate is based on the value of the Exchange Rate Type field of the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. If no exchange rate type is defined in that session, the default purchase rate is based on the value of the Purchase field of the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.

Rate/Rate Factor

The rate factor that is used to calculate the amounts into the home currency.

Default value

LN retrieves the default rate factor from the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session. The default rate factor is based on the value of the Exchange Rate Type field of the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. If no exchange rate type is defined in that session, the default rate factor is based on the value of the Purchase field of the Companies (tcemm1170m000) session.


The currency that is used on the RFQ.

Rate/Rate Factor

The conversion between the home currency and the currency that is used on the RFQ.

Send RFQ

If this check box is selected, the request for quotation (RFQ) must be sent to the selected bidder.


This field is defaulted to the Send RFQ check box in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session.

Buy-from Address

The address of the bidder.

Default value

LN retrieves the default address from the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.

Buy-from Contact

The person with whom you discuss business transactions. For example, you address questions, quotations, and follow-up calls, direct mail, and promotional gifts to the contact. The contact's data include the name, telephone number, e-mail address, and other details.

Default value

LN retrieves the default contact from the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session.

Ship-from Business Partner

The ship-from business partner who must deliver the items.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from business partner from the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session. The default ship-from business partner is the ship-from business partner that is linked to the buy-from business partner in the Bidder field.

The ship-from business partner that you enter in this field must be related to the buy-from business partner in the Bidder field.


If this field is filled, the following fields in the current session are filled by default:

  • Ship-from Address
  • Ship-from Contact
Ship-from Address

The address of the ship-from business partner.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from address from the Ship-from Business Partner (tccom4121s000) session.


You can only enter a ship-from address if a ship-from business partner is specified in the Ship-from Business Partner field.

Ship-from Contact

The ship-from contact.

Default value

LN retrieves the default ship-from contact from the Ship-from Business Partner (tccom4121s000) session.

Invoice-from BP

The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.

Default value

LN retrieves the default invoice-from business partner from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. The default invoice-from business partner is the invoice-from business partner that is linked to the buy-from business partner in the Bidder field.


The following fields in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session are filled by default if the corresponding fields have been defined for the invoice-from business partner in the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session:

  • Invoice-from Address
  • Invoice-from Contact
  • Pay-to BP
  • Late Payment Surcharge
  • Payment Terms
Invoice-from Address

The address of the invoice-from business partner.

Default value

LN retrieves the default invoice-from address from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. The default invoice-from address is the invoice-from address that is linked to the invoice-from business partner in the Invoice-from BP field.


You can only enter an invoice-from address if an invoice-from business partner is specified in the Invoice-from BP field.

Invoice-from Contact

The invoice-from contact.

Default value

LN retrieves the default invoice-from contact from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.

Pay-to BP

The business partner to which you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.

Default value

LN retrieves the default pay-to business partner from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. The default pay-to business partner is the pay-to business partner that is linked to the invoice-from business partner in the Invoice-from BP field.


The following fields in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session are filled by default if the corresponding fields are defined for the pay-to business partner in the Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000) session:

  • Pay-to Address
  • Pay-to Contact
Pay-to Address

The address of the pay-to business partner.

Default value

LN retrieves the default pay-to address from the Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000) session. The default pay-to address is the pay-to address that is linked to the pay-to business partner in the Pay-to BP field.


You can only enter a pay-to address if a pay-to business partner is specified in the Pay-to BP field.

Pay-to Contact

The pay-to contact.

Default value

LN retrieves the default pay-to contact from the Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000) session.


An organization that provides transport services. You can link a default carrier to both ship-to and ship-from business partners. In addition, you can print sales and purchase orders on a packing list, sorted by carrier.

For ordering and invoicing, you must define a carrier as a business partner.

Delivery Terms

The agreements with the business partner, concerning the way the goods are delivered. Relevant information is printed on various order documents.

Default value

If a default value comes up in this field, LN retrieves it from the Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000) session. The default delivery terms are the delivery terms that are linked to the buy-from business partner in the Bidder field of the current session.


You can only specify delivery terms if this field is empty. If this field is filled, you cannot change the delivery terms.

Related topics

Point of Title Passage

The point at which the legal ownership changes. At this point, the risk passes from the seller to the buyer.

Related topics

Payment Terms

Agreements about the way in which invoices are paid.

The payment terms include:

  • The period within which invoices must be paid.
  • The discount granted if an invoice is paid within a given period

The payment terms allow you to calculate:

  • The date on which the payment is due
  • The date on which the discount periods expire
  • The discount amount

Default value

If a default value comes up in this field, LN retrieves it from the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session. The default payment terms are the payment terms that are linked to the invoice-from business partner in the Invoice-from BP field of the current session.


You can only specify payment terms if this field is empty. If this field is filled, you cannot change the payment terms.

Late Payment Surcharge

The percentage that is charged over the goods amount or over rendered services that the recipient of the invoice must pay if the invoice is not paid within a specified period.

Tax Classification

An attribute of order headers and order lines that you can use to define tax exceptions for the transaction. LN retrieves the default tax classification from the invoice-from and invoice-to business partners.

For example, you can use the tax classification to indicate:

  • That payments to an invoice-from business partner are subject to withholding tax and social contributions
  • To group business partners that have the same tax aspects for your company, for example, subcontractors, or agents
  • That the tax must be paid in a country other than the sales office or service office's home country

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Business Partner Tax Classification field of the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.

Suppliers Quotations

The reference to the bidder's quotation number, which is submitted in response to your RFQ.

Landed Costs Classification

Attribute that allows users to link a logistic transaction to a specific landed costs set, overruling the landed costs settings of that transaction. If required, users can specify a landed costs classification and use this classification on the transaction.

Invoice External BP

If this check box is selected, freight costs are invoiced to the invoice-to business partner.

Invoice Freight Costs Based On

A company can invoice freight rates to the invoice-to business partner, based on Freight Costs, Client Rates, and Freight Costs (Update Allowed).

Reminder Status

Specify the action that must be taken if a bidder does not respond to your request for quotation (RFQ).


If this field has the Remind status:

  • You can print reminders in the Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000) session.
  • You cannot delete the RFQ in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session.
Thank You for Bidding Letter

If this check box is selected, and a bidder's response line is rejected, a thank-you-for-bidding letter can be printed in the Print Letter for Unsuccessful Bidders (tdpur1410m000) session.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.


Landed Cost Lines
Landed Costs by Bidder
Add Bidders to RFQ
Recalculate Landed Costs

Starts the RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100) session in which you can compare response lines for the selected bidders. Response lines with the Responded, Negotiating, or Accepted status, can be compared.

Tax Numbers by Business Partner
Open Bidders

Only displays the open bidders, which means the bidder status is not Processed.

All Bidders

Displays all RFQ bidders.