Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400)

Use this session to:

  • View historical parameter settings, by double-clicking one of the historical parameter sets.
  • Modify current parameter settings, by double-clicking the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list.

If you make the required changes and save the new parameter set, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set to the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter set was saved.


Effective Date

The date and time the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid until the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

Number Group for Purchase Orders

The default number group for all purchase orders and purchase schedules.


You can define purchase order series and purchase schedule series in the Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000) session.

Step Size for Purchase Order Lines

The interval between successive purchase order lines in a purchase order.


If you enter the value 10, the numbers assigned to successive order lines are 10, 20, 30 and so on.

Goods Amount/Discount on Purchase Orders

Indicate how you want to present the amounts on the purchase orders.


The order discount for a purchase order is 10%. The purchase order has the following lines:



Gross amount = all line amounts (= quantities * prices) = (100 * 1) + (100 * 2) = 

Order line discount amount = 5 + 20 = 25.0 

Order	discount amount = (gross amount - total line discount amount) * 
                         order discount	/ 100 = (300 - 25) * 10 / 100 = 27.5 

Total discount amount = total line	discount amount + order discount amount = 
                        25 + 27.5 = 52.5.

Net amount = gross amount - total discount amount = 300 - 52.5 = 247.5 
Order Type for Consignment Replenishment

The default order type that is used when purchase orders are generated to replenish consignment inventory.


Leave this field empty if you use consignment inventory in a Vendor managed inventory (VMI) business scenario.

Order Type for Consignment Payment

The default order type that is used when purchase orders are generated to pay the consignment inventory.


Leave this field empty if you use consignment inventory in a Vendor managed inventory (VMI) business scenario.

Price Determination Based on

Define how the price for the payment of consignment inventory is determined: based on the price that is valid at the moment of replenishment or consumption.

Order Series for Subcontracting
Order Type for Subcontracting
Order Series for Service Subcontracting

The default order series for service subcontracting purchase orders.


This field is visible only if:

  • The Field Service and/or Depot Repair check boxes are selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session
  • The Service Subcontracting with Material Flow check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session

Default value

Order Type for Service Subcontracting

The default purchase order type for service subcontracting purchase orders.


This field is visible only if:

  • The Field Service and/or Depot Repair check boxes are selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session
  • The Service Subcontracting with Material Flow check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session

Default value

Valuation for Subcontracting WIP

If, for item subcontracting, materials are required by the subcontractor to create the end item, specify how the costs of the supplied materials are assigned to the received end item's inventory value for integration transactions of the Subcontracting WIP type.

Allowed values

An end item's inventory value is calculated based on these valuation methods for the supplied materials:

  • Standard Costs
    The fixed transfer price (FTP) method is used, wherein the inventory value is calculated against standard costs and with a standard number of hours.
  • Actual Costs
    An actual costing method is used, wherein the inventory value is calculated against actual receipt prices and actual production hours.
Customer Furnished Materials
Order Series for Customer Furnished Materials

The default series for all customer furnished material purchase orders.

Order Type for Customer Furnished Materials

The default order type for all customer furnished material purchase orders.

Return Rejection
Order Series for Return Rejection

The order series used to generate return orders of the Return Rejects type.


Return Rejects orders are used to process quarantine inventory.

Order Type for Return Rejection

The order type used to generate return orders of the Return Rejects type.


Return Rejects orders are used to process quarantine inventory.

Additional Costs
First Position Number for Additional Costs Sets

The first position number that is used for additional cost sets. This is the first position number for a purchase order line with additional costs.

You cannot enter position numbers in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session that are equal to or higher than the number you entered in this field.

If you add item lines to a cost set in the Purchase Additional Cost Set Items (tdpur0128m000) session, you cannot enter position numbers that are lower than the number you entered in this field.

Recalculation of Additional Costs

Specify whether or not additional costs are recalculated when an order is modified in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.

  • No
    The additional costs are not recalculated. You can manually maintain additional costs in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.
  • Interactive
    LN asks you whether the additional costs must be recalculated. You can still manually maintain the additional costs in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session, but if you let LN recalculate the additional costs, the manual changes can be lost.
  • Automatic
    You cannot maintain the additional costs on an order. The additional costs are automatically recalculated when you close the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session.

You must define additional costs in a cost set. To define additional cost sets, use the Purchase Additional Cost Sets (tdpur0124m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Recalculate additional costs.

Log Order History

If this check box is selected, history must be logged for purchase orders.

Only if this check box is selected, history can be logged in various purchase order-related history sessions.

  • Purchase order history is not only used for future analysis, but also for reconciliation, commissions and rebates, and statistics.
  • Reconciliation, which is based on the purchase order actual receipt history in the Purchase Actual Receipt History (tdpur4556m000) session and the purchase order line history in the Purchase Order Line History (tdpur4551m000) session, can only be applied if you select this check box.
  • To always use the same parameter history setting for a specific purchase order, the current parameter setting is defaulted to the Log Order History field in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session at the moment the purchase order is created. During the life cycle of the purchase order, this field cannot be changed.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Start Logging History at

Indicate when you want the purchase order history to be logged.


To always use the same parameter history setting for a specific purchase order, the current parameter setting is defaulted to the Start Logging History at field in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session at the moment the purchase order is created. During the life cycle of the purchase order, this field cannot be changed.

Allowed values

Start Logging History at

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Level of Intake Logging

Indicate which purchase order history must be logged for intake transactions.


If this parameter is Last and you want to update the statistics, you need information to counter-post the previous statistics. Therefore, if the Processed in Statistics check box is selected in sessions such as Purchase Order Line History (tdpur4551m000) and Landed Cost Line History (tclct2550m000), all intake transactions will be logged as history records.

Allowed values

Level of Intake Logging

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Log Actual Order Receipt History

If this check box is selected, history must be logged for actual receipt data.

If this check box is selected, purchase order actual receipt history is logged in sessions such as:

  • Purchase Actual Receipt History (tdpur4556m000)
  • Purchase Payable Receipt History (tdpur4560m000)
  • Landed Cost Line History (tclct2550m000), if landed costs are linked to an actual receipt.
  • Purchase Peg Distribution History (tdpur5550m000), if a peg distribution is linked to an actual receipt.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Method of Deleting Order History Data

The way in which order/schedule history data is removed.


You can delete order/schedule history data in the Archive/Delete Purchase Order/Schedule History (tdpur5201m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete order data.

Back Orders
Back Orders Allowed

If this check box is selected, LN can create back orders.

The back order quantities are calculated on the basis of the receipts and approvals carried out in the following sessions:

  • Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)
  • Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000)
  • Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000)

You can maintain the back order quantity and manually confirm it in the Potential Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m700) session. You can view the confirmed back orders, both manually and automatically confirmed, in the Confirmed Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m800) session.


LN cannot generate (potential) back orders for return orders.

If this check box is cleared, LN cannot create back orders. As a result, no back order quantity is calculated.


If this check box is cleared, and if the Final Receipt check box is selected in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, the following applies:

  • If the ordered quantity is more than the received quantity in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, the difference between the ordered quantity and the received quantity is not taken into account when logging planned inventory transactions in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session and the Order - Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1501m000) session.
  • If goods are rejected in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session, the rejected quantity is not taken into account when logging planned inventory transactions in the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session and the Order - Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1501m000) session.


  • Ordered Quantity = 10.
  • LN cannot generate (potential) back orders.
Received quantityRejected quantityFinal receiptPlanned inventory transaction


Confirm Back Orders automatically

If this check box is selected, LN automatically confirms back orders.

If this check box is cleared, you must confirm the back orders manually in the Potential Purchase Back Orders (tdpur4101m700) session.

  • Back orders that are the result of rejection during inspection cannot be confirmed automatically. You must always confirm these back orders manually.
  • Back orders that are generated for a directly delivery purchase order are always confirmed automatically. You cannot confirm these back orders manually.
Change Reason for Back Orders

The change reason code for the back order. After confirmation of the back order, LN automatically defaults this code to the Change Reason Lines field of the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session if the Default Change Reason Code for Change Order Line field is empty.


If the Default Change Reason Code for Change Order Line field is filled, it is used as the default change reason code for the back order.

Change Type for Back Orders

The change type for the back order. After confirmation of the back order, LN automatically defaults this type to the Change Type Lines field of the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session if the Default Change Type for Change Order Line field is empty.


If the Default Change Type for Change Order Line field is filled, it is used as the default change type for the back order.

Number Group for Purchase Invoice

The number group that you select in this field is the default for all purchase invoices.

Series for Purchase Invoice

The series that you select in this field is the default for all purchase invoices.

Goods Amount/Discount on Purchase Invoices

Indicate how you want to present the amounts on the purchase invoices.


The order discount for a purchase order is 10%. The purchase order has the following lines:



Gross amount = all line amounts (= quantities * prices) = (100 * 1) + (100 * 2) = 

Order line discount amount = 5 + 20 = 25.0.
Order discount amount = (gross amount - total line discount amount) * 
                         order discount / 100 = (300 - 25) * 10 / 100 = 27.5. 

Total discount amount = total line discount amount + order discount amount = 
25 + 27.5 = 52.5.

Net amount = gross	amount - total discount amount = 300 - 52.5 = 247.5 
Base Price for Gross Profit Calculation

Indicate how you want the gross profit percentage to be calculated in the Purchase Control module.

Method of Calculating Average Purchase Price

Specify how the average purchase price is calculated.


If this parameter is Purchases (Cum.), use the Equate Balance of Receipts with Inventory Level (tdipu0201m000) session to equate the cumulative receipts with the inventory on hand. Only if you run this session regularly, you can calculate realistic average prices for items.

Cost/Service Items on Claim Notes

You can indicate whether you want to print cost items and/or service items in the Print Claims (tdpur4420m000) session.

Number of Extra Reminder Copies

Enter the number of extra copies of reminders that you want to print.


You can print reminders in the Print Purchase Order Reminders (tdpur4403m000) session.

Delete Order Data if Received Completely

You can indicate when the orders and order lines are removed.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete history data.

Check on Actual Quotations

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning if, during order entry, a purchase quotation already exists for the concerned item/supplier combination.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts.

Use Creation Date as Order Date when generating PO

If this check box is selected, the purchase order creation date is used as the order date when generating a purchase order from a planned order.

If this check box is cleared, the planned order's start date is used as the order date, provided this date is not in the past.


If the Log Financial Economic Transactions parameter is set to Standard Cost in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session, regardless of the setting of the current field, the purchase order creation date is always used as the order date.

Confirm Receipt as Final

If this check box is selected, each purchase order line receipt automatically is a final receipt. Therefore, for each purchase order line receipt, the Final Receipt check box is automatically selected and unavailable in the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.

In this way, when confirming receipts, you need not check the received items and manually select the Final Receipt check box. This will speed up the receipt procedure, which can be important if large numbers of receipt transactions are involved. In addition, back orders are always created, because you cannot forget to select the Final Receipt check box.

If this check box is cleared, the Final Receipt check box is automatically selected only if the received quantity is greater than or equal to the ordered quantity for the purchase order line. If the Final Receipt is cleared, but a final receipt is applicable, you must manually select the Final Receipt check box in the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session.


The only way to undo the automatic selection of the Final Receipt check box for an individual receipt is to correct the receipt in the Correct Purchase Receipt (tdpur4106s100) session.

Reopen Closed Purchase Orders Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can reopen purchase orders with the Closed status and update these orders.

When you reopen a Closed purchase order, its status changes to In Process. As a result, you can add new order lines and/or you can change the purchase order header.


If this check box is selected, the Reopen Closed Purchase Order command is available on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.

Approval Details
Number Group for Approval Rules

The default number group for all approval rules, which you can define in the Approval Rules (tdpur0191m000) session.


If you want to validate purchase orders against approval rules before their status can become Approved, you must select the Apply Approval Rules check box in the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session. However, it is not mandatory to check the approval rules for approving purchase orders.

Basis for Approval Rule

Define whether you want the approval rules to be based on Acceptance rules or Exceptions rules.


You cannot define this field before entering a number group for approval rules in the Number Group for Approval Rules field.

Allowed values

Auto Appr Rule Basis

Approval Rules Mandatory

If this check box is selected, it is mandatory to validate purchase orders against approval rules before they can be approved.

If this check box is selected, the following are applicable:

  • The Apply Approval Rules check box is selected and disabled in the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session.
  • You cannot manually approve a selected purchase order.

If this check box is cleared, it is optional to validate purchase orders against approval rules before they can be approved.

If this check box is cleared, the following are applicable:

  • The Apply Approval Rules check box is enabled in the Approve Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m100) session.
  • If you manually approve a purchase order in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session or the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session, LN does not check the approval rules.
  • Purchase orders that cannot be approved based on the approval rules, can be manually approved.
Commingling for
Commingling for

If this check box is selected, and you create, confirm, and transfer a purchase order advice in the selected origin (for example, in Warehousing), LN generates a purchase order that is waiting for commingling in the Purchase Control module.

You must commingle purchase orders in the Commingle Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m000) session to generate commingled purchase orders.

If this check box is cleared, and you create, confirm, and transfer a purchase order advice in the cleared origin, LN directly generates an actual purchase order in the Purchase Control module.


LN only commingles purchase order (lines) if, for the item/buy-from business partner combination, the For Commingling check box is selected in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Commingling.

Vendor Rating
Check on Vendor Rating

If this check box is selected, a check on vendor rating must be made while creating or modifying purchase orders.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts.

Warn if Vendor Rating is Below

This field specifies the minimum value of vendor rating. If you enter or modify a purchase order and the vendor's vendor rating is below this value, LN gives a warning message.


You can only enter a percentage in this field if the Check on Vendor Rating check box is selected.

Terms and Conditions
Search Date for Terms and Conditions

When a purchase order or purchase schedule is entered, this date is used to search for valid terms and conditions that can be defaulted to the order or schedule.

Allowed values

Search Date Type

Direct Delivery
Direct Delivery for Sales
Order Type for Direct Delivery

The default order type that is used for direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for sales orders.

If purchase orders are generated automatically for direct delivery lines on sales orders, LN retrieves this order type as the default order type.

If you generate a purchase order advice, this order type is also used by default.

Order Series for Direct Delivery

The default order series for automatically generated direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for sales orders.

Return Order Type for Direct Deliveries

The order type for returning direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for sales orders. With this purchase order type, which is defaulted when a direct delivery purchase return order is generated for a sales return order, you indicate that the sold-to business partner returns the goods directly to your buy-from business partner instead of to you.

  • The order type that you select must have the Direct Delivery check box selected and the Return Order list set to Return Inventory in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.
  • Before you can use this order type, the Allow Purchase Orders check box must be selected for the return order in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.
Direct Delivery for Service
Order Type for Direct Delivery

The default order type that is used for direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for service orders.

Order Series for Direct Delivery

The default order series for direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for service orders.

Return Order Type for Direct Deliveries

The order type for returning direct delivery purchase orders that are generated for service orders. With this purchase order type, you indicate that the sold-to business partner returns the goods directly to your buy-from business partner instead of to you.


The order type that you select must have the Direct Delivery check box selected and the Return Order list set to Return Inventory in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.

Mandatory Entry of Change Codes

If this check box is selected, and you cancel a purchase order, a purchase order line, or a purchase order line detail, it is mandatory to enter change code information in the Cancel Purchase Orders (tdpur4201s300) session.

If this check box is selected, and you change a purchase order header in the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) session, a purchase order line in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session, or a purchase order line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session, LN prompts you to enter change code information in these session. However, the codes are not mandatory.

Change Codes Mandatory

If this check box is selected, and you add, change, or cancel a purchase order line, it is mandatory to enter change code information on the order line.

This applies to lines that are linked to a purchase order with the In Process status.

Automatic Assignment of Change Order Sequence Numbers

If this check box is selected, a change order sequence number is automatically generated when a new purchase order is printed or generated by means of EDI, or when a changed purchase order is reprinted or regenerated by means of EDI. The purchase order header is automatically updated with the latest change order sequence number.

If this check box is cleared, you must manually enter change order sequence numbers, which can be selected on a changed purchase order (line).


The change order sequence numbers are available in the Purchase Order - Change Order Sequence Numbers (tdpur4114m000) session.

Add Order Line
Default Change Reason Code for Add Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the purchase order line (detail) when you add an order line (detail) to the purchase order.

When you split a purchase order line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), LN defaults this change reason to the Change Reason Lines field of the new line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

Default Change Type for Add Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the purchase order line (detail) when you add an order line (detail) to the purchase order.

When you split a purchase order line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), LN defaults this change type to the Change Type Lines field of the new line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

Change Order Line
Default Change Reason Code for Change Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the purchase order line (detail) when you change a purchase order line (detail), or when a back order is created in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

When you split a purchase order line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), LN defaults this change reason to the Change Reason Lines field of the split line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

  • If you leave this field empty and a back order is created, LN takes the change reason entered in the Change Reason for Back Orders field as the default value.
  • You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.
Default Change Type for Change Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the purchase order line (detail) when you change a purchase order line (detail), or when a back order is created in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

When you split a purchase order line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), LN defaults this change type to the Change Type Lines field of the split line detail in the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

  • If you leave this field empty and a back order is created, LN takes the change type entered in the Change Type for Back Orders field as the default value.
  • You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.
Cancel Order Line
Default Change Reason Code for Cancel Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the purchase order line (detail) when you cancel a purchase order line (detail).


You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.

Default Change Type for Cancel Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the purchase order line when you cancel a purchase order line (detail).


You can overwrite this code in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session and the Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200) session.