Copy Category Structure (tdpct0201m000)

Use this session to copy an existing category structure to a new one.

If sold-to business partners are linked to a catalog in the Category - BP/Employee Linkage Data (tdpct0103m000) session, you can copy the links when you create a new structure.


If the same item appears on both the Target and Source structures, the item appears only once in the structure, when you append a structure.

Related topics


Type of Copy

The action that will be taken when you copy the structure.

Allowed values

As of Date

The date from which the category structure is copied.


If the Source category is not valid on this date, LN displays a warning message.

Related topics

Business Partner Link

If this check box is selected, any links defined in the Category - BP/Employee Linkage Data (tdpct0103m000) session are copied.


If you select Append Structure, the links defined in the Category - BP/Employee Linkage Data (tdpct0103m000) session are not copied if:

  • The Source category is General.
  • The Target category is Specific.

If this check box is selected, any text associated with the Source category is copied to the Target category.


The existing category structure.


The new category category structure.