Rebuild Generic Key (tdpcg0230m200)

Use this session to restore the data in the price matrix table, the discount matrix table, the freight matrix table or the promotion matrix table.

If the database is corrupt, you must run this session.


Matrix Type

Defines the type of a matrix definition and is linked to a set of matrix attributes.

The following matrix types are available in Pricing:

  • Sales Price
  • Sales Line Discount
  • Sales Total Discount
  • Purchase Price
  • Purchase Line Discount
  • Purchase Total Discount
  • Transfer Price
  • Line Promotions
  • Order Promotions
  • Client Freight Rate
  • Carrier Freight Rate

Each type has its own a selection of attributes. For a matrix type, the combination of a maximum of six attributes identifies the matrix definition.

Matrix Level

The matrix discount level for which you want to restore discount data.


The number of discount levels is restricted by the parameter set in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session.

Matrix Definition

Defines the group of elements (matrix attributes) that a Pricing matrix uses to determine a price, discount, promotion, or freight rate.

Imagine you are a furniture vendor and you decide to maintain your sales prices based on two elements:

  • The specific item you sell.
  • The way to handle payments.

In this case, the matrix type is Sales Price, the matrix definition is Furni (this name is user-definable), and the matrix attributes are Item and Payment Method.

Effective Date

The date and time on which the pricing information that must be restored is valid.