Converting multiple manufacturer items to MPN items

If you use the multiple manufacturer item functionality to order manufacturer's items, but you want to start using the manufacturer part number (MPN) item functionality instead, you can convert the multiple manufacturer master data to the MPN master data for an item.

This data can be converted:

  • Item manufacturers to manufacturer part numbers
  • Item manufacturer business partners to MPNs by business partner

Because the multiple manufacturer master data contains effectivity and status information, but the MPN master data only contains effectivity data for MPNs, master data cannot always be converted consistently. Therefore, you must decide whether the master data setup for multiple manufacturer items is simple enough to be converted to the new MPN master data.

Conversion is most successful if:

  • Item manufacturers are effective on the current date.
  • The effectivity periods of the item manufacturers and the item manufacturer business partners have the same effective and expiry dates.

You can also choose to only copy the item manufacturers to MPNs and next link business partners to the MPNs in the Import MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0248m000) session.

Converting the master data

If you clear the Multiple Manufacturer Item check box that was previously selected for an item in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session and select the MPN Item check box instead, the conversion process is triggered.

It depends on a number of settings whether you can only copy item manufacturers to manufacturer part numbers, or you can also copy item manufacturer business partners to MPNs by business partner.

Copying item manufacturers to manufacturer part numbers

If the Multiple Manufacturer Item Check field is Item-Manufacturer in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, the Convert Item-Manufacturers to Manufacturer Part Numbers? question is displayed.

If the Multiple Manufacturer Item Check field is Item-Manufacturer and Business Partner in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session, a dialog box is displayed with the following check boxes:

  • Convert Item-Manufacturers to MPNs
  • Convert Item Manufacturer BPs to MPNs per BP

If you click Yes to the question Convert Item-Manufacturers to Manufacturer Part Numbers? or you select the Convert Item-Manufacturers to MPNs check box in the dialog box, LN converts item manufacturers from the Item - Manufacturer (tdipu0130m000) session to MPNs in the Items by MPN (tdipu0149m000) and Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) sessions.

Copying item manufacturer business partners to MPNs by business partner

To copy item manufacturer business partners to MPNs by business partner, the Multiple Manufacturer Item Check field must be Item-Manufacturer and Business Partner in the Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000) session.

If you select the Convert Item Manufacturer BPs to MPNs per BP check box in the dialog box that is displayed after you change the item into an MPN item, LN converts item manufacturer business partners from the Item - Manufacturer and Business Partner (tdipu0135m000) session to MPNs by business partner in the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.

Conversion rules

A number of rules apply when you convert the master data.


General rules

These rules apply when you convert item manufacturers to manufacturer part numbers:

  • LN first converts item manufacturers that are effective on the current date (see example 1).
  • If no item manufacturers are effective on the current date, LN converts item manufacturers that will become effective in the future (see example 2).

Selection rules in the Item - Manufacturer (tdipu0130m000) session

  • The Manufacturer Item field, which becomes the MPN item, must be filled.
  • If the Multiple Items per MPN check box is cleared in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session and the Manufacturer Item occurs more than once, only the first item is copied to the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) session.
  • If the Multiple Items per MPN check box is selected in the Purchase Parameters (tdpur0100m000) session and the Manufacturer Item occurs more than once, all items are copied to the Items by MPN (tdipu0149m000) session.
  • The Manufacturer Item cannot contain multibyte characters.
  • The item-manufacturer's Expiry Date must fall after the current date.

The item manufacturers that are converted can have any status.

Item manufacturer BP

General rules

These rules apply when you convert item manufacturer BPs to MPNs per BP:

  • If item manufacturers are converted that are effective on the current date, LN can only convert item manufacturer business partners that are also effective on the current date (see example 1).
  • If LN converts item manufacturers that will become effective in the future, LN can only convert item manufacturer business partners that fall within the effectivity period of the item manufacturer (see example 2).

Selection rules in the Item - Manufacturer and Business Partner (tdipu0135m000) session

  1. LN first checks whether an item-manufacturer-business partner combination exists for which the Buy-from Business Partner and Ship-from BP are the same.
  2. If no such record is available, LN searches for an item-manufacturer-business partner combination with a blank Ship-from BP.
  3. If no such record exists, the Ship-from BP can have any value for the item-manufacturer-business partner combination.

The item manufacturer business partners that are converted cannot have the Blocked status or a lower status than the item manufacturer. For example, if the item manufacturer has the Approved status, but the item manufacturer business partner has the For Approval status, the item manufacturer business partner cannot be copied.


If both the Convert Item-Manufacturers to MPNs and Convert Item Manufacturer BPs to MPNs per BP check boxes are selected, but LN cannot copy any of the item manufacturer business partners, the item manufacturer is not copied either.

Example 1 - Item manufacturers effective on current date


  • 1, 2, and 3 are records in the Item - Manufacturer (tdipu0130m000) and Item - Manufacturer and Business Partner (tdipu0135m000) sessions. The arrows represent the records' effectivity periods.
  • Records 1 and 2 are taken into consideration for copying. Record 3 is not used because it is effective after the current date, while records exist that are effective on the current date.
  • Record 1 is converted to the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) session and record 2 to the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.
  • If record 1 had the For Approval status, records 1 and 2 would also be converted.
Example 2 -Item manufacturers not effective on current date


  • 1, 2, and 3 are records in the Item - Manufacturer (tdipu0130m000) and Item - Manufacturer and Business Partner (tdipu0135m000) sessions. The arrows represent the records' effectivity periods.
  • Because the item manufacturer business partner records (2 and 3) fall within the effectivity period of the item-manufacturer that will become effective in the future (1), all records are taken into consideration for copying.
  • Both 2 and 3 must have a status higher than or equal to the item manufacturer's status (1) and none of the item manufacturer business partner records can have the Blocked status. Because record 3 is blocked, record 1 cannot be converted to the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) session and records 2 and 3 cannot be converted to the MPNs by Item - Business Partner (tdipu0148m000) session.
  • If both the Convert Item-Manufacturers to MPNs and Convert Item Manufacturer BPs to MPNs per BP check boxes are selected, and no other valid business partners are linked to the item-manufacturer that can be copied, the item manufacturer is not copied either.