Purchase schedule cumulatives

Purchase schedule cumulatives (CUMs) are used to do the following:

  • Keep track of a schedule's total ordered and received quantities
  • Calculate overdeliveries and underdeliveries for push schedules
  • Inform the supplier on the received quantity

In Procurement, the following CUMs are supported:

When a purchase schedule is released, LN inserts records in the previously mentioned sessions in the following order:

  1. A shipped cumulative record is inserted/updated when an advance shipment notice is received from the supplier. The shipped quantity communicated by the supplier is inserted.
  2. A received cumulative record is inserted/updated when a receipt is made in Warehousing. The actually received quantity is inserted.
  3. A required cumulative record is inserted/updated when a receipt is confirmed in Warehousing. The total required quantity for the schedule line(s) is inserted.
  4. An invoiced cumulative record is inserted when an invoice is approved in Financials.

In general, cumulatives are calculated and updated based on schedule number, CUM reset date, and transaction date, which can be the shipment date, receipt date, planned requirement date, or invoice date. The schedule number and the transaction date are determined when the transaction takes place.

Cumulative models

Two cumulative models exist based on which the communicated cumulatives are used in a logistic company.

In the Model for CUMs field of the Purchase Contract Parameters (tdpur0100m300) session, you can select one of the following models:

  • Receipt based CUM model
    In receipt based schedules, the supplier's position is taken into account. As a result, in case of an underdelivery, schedule lines with a planned requirement date that falls before the next schedule issue date are inserted as immediate requirements in the Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000) session. Furthermore, the total received CUM is communicated to the supplier.
  • Order based CUM model
    Order based schedules are independent of the supplier's position. In case of an overdelivery or underdelivery, suppliers are responsible for calculating their position in relation to the demand. As a result, all ordered quantities are communicated to the supplier, after which the supplier subtracts the shipped quantity from the ordered quantity. To have more information on how the supplier handles underdeliveries and overdeliveries, refer to Adjusting sales schedules.

For push schedules, goods are usually received against a blanket warehouse order and the purchase release usually contains clustered schedule lines. In case of a receipt of goods, the goods are distributed over the schedule lines with the oldest unfulfilled requirement of the type Immediate or Firm. For more information, refer to Clustering purchase schedule lines.


Schedule Number 10000001

Requirement datePosition no.Ordered Qty.Delivered Qty.Requirement typePrice
11/01/2001105 pieces0 piecesfirm10
12/01/2001205 pieces0 piecesfirm10
13/01/2001305 pieces0 piecesfirm10


Step 1. Select purchase schedule lines

The purchase schedule lines are selected in the sequence of oldest unfulfilled requirement of the type Firm. This means that first receipts are booked on the requirement of 11 January 2001, then on the requirement of 12 January 2001, and so on. Receipts can be booked on schedule lines for a maximum of the ordered quantity.

In our example, a receipt of seven pieces is booked as follows:

  • 11 January 2001: although seven pieces are delivered, five pieces can be received on this line.
  • 12 January 2001: although the ordered quantity is five pieces, only two pieces of the actually delivered quantity are assigned to this line (five pieces are assigned to the schedule line of 11 January 2001, which is older). This means that this line is only partially delivered.
Step 2. Update purchase schedule lines

The purchase schedule lines are updated in the Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000) session.

Requirement datePosition no.Ordered Qty.Delivered Qty.Requirement typePrice
11/01/2001105 pieces5 piecesfirm10
12/01/2001205 pieces2 piecesfirm10
13/01/2001305 pieces0 piecesfirm10


Step 3. Insert receipt details

The receipt details are updated in the Purchase Schedule - Receipts (tdpur3115m200) session.

Position no.Receipt no.Packing slip no.Delivered Qty.Approved QtyRejected Qty
10RCP0001PS0015 pieces00
20RCP0001PS0012 pieces00


Step 4. Update planned inventory transactions

Planned inventory transactions are updated in Warehousing.

Position no.Delivery dateQuantity
1011/01/20010 pieces
2012/01/20013 pieces
3013/01/20015 pieces


Step 5. Update received cumulatives

The received cumulatives are updated in the Received Cumulatives (tdpur3132m000) session.

Receipt no.Packing slip no.Transaction dateReceived quantityReceived CUM


Step 6. Update required cumulatives

The required cumulatives are updated in the Required Cumulatives (tdpur3130m000) session.

Planned requirement dateRequired quantityRequired CUM