Retrieving purchase contracts

Purchase contracts and purchase schedules

LN automatically links purchase schedules to contracts with the Active status.

LN automatically links a normal contract to the purchase schedule, but you can decide to link a special contract instead. To unlink the normal contract and link a special contract to the purchase schedule, from the appropriate menu in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session, select Change Contract. The Selected Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3512s000) session is started from which you can select a special contract. You can replace the normal contract by a special contract only if no receipts are booked yet for the purchase schedule. If receipts are already booked, you must terminate the existing purchase schedule and create a new purchase schedule in the Terminate Purchase Schedule (tdpur3210m100) session. Now, you can link a special contract to the newly created purchase schedule.

When LN links a contract to the purchase schedule, the schedule header is loaded with the default values of the linked contract. Specific addresses, contract terms, and prices and discounts, are copied to the schedule. For nonreferenced schedules, LN uses the Generation Date in the Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000) session to determine which purchase contract price revision must be used from the Purchase Contract Prices (tdpur3103m000) session to retrieve prices and discounts. For referenced schedules, LN uses the Purchase Price Date Type field in the Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000) session, which can be Order Date, System Date, or Delivery Date to determine which purchase contract price revision must be used.


For schedules lines with a configured item, the Option Based Pricing check box is automatically selected in the Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000) session. For more information, refer to Configured items on purchase schedules.

Purchase contracts and purchase orders

LN automatically links purchase orders to contracts with the Active status. When a purchase order is created, LN first searches for special contracts and then for normal contracts. If more special contracts are valid for the buy-from business partner/item(group)/date, a selection screen is displayed from which you must select a contract.

To retrieve terms and conditions from an active contract for an order line, the contract need not be linked to the order line. Therefore, the contract number is filled on the order line only if an active contract line is linked to the order line. For more information, refer to Retrieval of terms and conditions.


The Maximum Quantity Tolerance and Action on Exceeding Maximum Quantity fields on the purchase contract line determine if a purchase order/schedule line can be linked to the contract line if the maximum contract quantity is exceeded.