Matrix Type

  • Sales Price

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for sales pricing.

  • Sales Line Discount

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for calculating discounts on sales items at order line level.

  • Sales Total Discount

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for calculating discounts at sales order line level. The discounts are applied to the respective lines based on determining and eligible check boxes on the lines.

  • Purchase Price

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for purchase pricing.

  • Purchase Line Discount

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for calculating discounts on purchase items at order line level.

  • Purchase Total Discount

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for calculating discounts at purchase order line level. The discounts are applied to the respective lines based on determining and eligible check boxes on the lines.

  • Transfer Price

    The corresponding matrix attributes are used for pricing of items transferred from one (internal) warehouse to another warehouse. For example, goods moved from a nettable to a non-nettable warehouse.

  • Line Promotions

    The corresponding matrix attributes are attributes for promotions at order line level.

  • Order Promotions

    The corresponding matrix attributes are attributes for promotions at order header level.

  • Client Freight Rate

    The corresponding matrix attributes are attributes for client rate books.

  • Carrier Freight Rate

    The corresponding matrix attributes are attributes for carrier rate books.