Country groups

You can use tax country groups to specify the tax position information per country group instead of per country.

For example, you can specify these country groups:

  • The company's home country
  • European Union (EU) countries
  • Non-EU countries

You can use these types of country groups:

For each group, you can indicate whether the group represents EU member countries. This indication is required for the Belgian Belgian Balance of Payments report.

To set up relations by tax position for country groups:

  1. Country Groups (tcmcs1180m000)
    Define the country groups.
  2. Countries (tcmcs0110s000)
    In the Country Groups section, select the country's tax country group.
  3. Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000)
    For the tax positions that you want to set up for a tax country group, select the Country Group check box.
  4. Relations by Tax Position (tfgld0121m000)
    Click New to start the Relations by Tax Position (tfgld0121m000) details session. If you selected the Country Group check box for the tax position line in the Tax Positions (tfgld0120m000) session, you can define the details for a tax country group.