Date format

This table shows the formatting characters that you can specify. However, if you do not specify any value in the Date Format field in the XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000) session, the default value applied is YYYY-MM-DD.

%mmonth in year1 - 12
%wweek in yearweek 0 in previous year week 53 in current year
%Wweek in yearweek 53 in previous year
%dday in month1 - 31
%eday in week1 - 7
%jday in year1 - 365
%yyear without century01 - 99
%Yyear with century1 - 9999
%hname of month‘Jan’ - ‘Dec’ (abbreviated)
%Hname of month‘January’ - ‘December’
%aname of day‘Sun’ - ‘Sat’ (abbreviated)
%Aname of day‘Sunday’ - ‘Saturday’



To display '12/07/2015', specify %D(%02y-%02m-%02d)