| Amount formatThis table shows the formatting characters that
you can specify.
However, if you do not specify any value in the Amount Format field in the XML Payment/Receipt Layouts (tfcmg0524m000) session, the default value applied is
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ9V.99. 9 | Reserves a position for a digit. Inserts a 0 if there
is no significant digit in that position. | Z | Reserves a position for a digit. Inserts a space if
there is no significant digit in that position. You can use this both before
and after the decimal sign. | V | Indicates the position of the decimal sign. No
decimal sign is displayed. To display a decimal sign, you must enter ‘D’, a
period [.], or a comma [,] immediately after this character, depending on which
decimal sign you wish to use. | D | Displays the decimal sign as defined in the data
dictionary. | T | Displays a thousand sign. The representation of the
thousand sign is defined in the data dictionary. | - | If this is the first or last character in a format
string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a
positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a space. Minus signs in other
positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’. | + | If this is the first or last character in a format
string, a negative value is prefixed or suffixed by a minus sign [-], and a
positive value is prefixed or suffixed by a plus sign [+]. Plus signs in other
positions have the same meaning as ‘Z’. | * | If this is the first character in a format string,
all spaces to the left of the most significant digit are filled with asterisks
[*]. |
Example To display '3.1' as '-3.10', specify %@ZZZZVD99@ | |