Order quantity settings

Order quantity settings are used for determining the recommended order quantities for planned orders.

The recommended order quantity is determined by the combination of the order quantity settings and the selected order method in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2500m000) session.

Order quantity increment

The order quantity increment is used if the order method for the item is Lot for Lot, Economic Order Quantity, or Replenish to Maximum Inventory.

LN always recommends an order quantity that is a multiple of this order quantity increment.


If the required order quantity is 62 and the order quantity increment is 8, LN recommends an order quantity of 64.

Minimum order quantity

The minimum order quantity is used for all order methods. If the ordered quantity for an item is less than the minimum order quantity, LN always recommends an order quantity greater than or equal to this minimum order quantity.


As a result, LN generates a planned order for 800, instead of an order for 130 (230-100).

Maximum order quantity

The maximum order quantity is used for all order methods. If the ordered quantity for an item exceeds the maximum order quantity, LN always recommends an order quantity smaller than or equal to this maximum order quantity.


As a result, LN generates two orders of 400, instead of a single planned order for 430 (530-100).

Fixed order quantity

The fixed order quantity is used if the order method for the item is Fixed Order Quantity.

If the order method is Fixed Order Quantity:

  • The fixed order quantity is greater than or equal to the minimum order quantity
  • The fixed order quantity is smaller than or equal to the maximum order quantity
  • The order method is Fixed Order Quantity.
  • The fixed order quantity is 20.

If you require 70 units, LN generates four orders of 20 units (a total of 80 units).

Economic order quantity

The economic order quantity is used if the order method for the item is Economic Order Quantity.

If the order method is Economic Order Quantity:

  • The economic order quantity is greater than or equal to the minimum order quantity
  • The economic order quantity is smaller than or equal to the maximum order quantity
  • LN generates a planned order for 20 units of an item for which the order system is SIC and the order method is Economic Order Quantity.
  • The minimum order quantity is 25.
  • The economic order quantity is 30.

As a result, the order is adjusted to 30 units.

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