Price Origin

  • Actual Costs

    The internal trade price equals the actual costs, plus the percentage specified in the Surcharge field.

  • Sales Order Price

    The internal trade price equals the sales price charged to the external business partner, minus the percentage specified in the Discount field.


    If Kind of Trade is External Material Delivery and the sales price is changed after delivery, the internal invoice billable line is updated to reflect the new price. When the internal invoice billable lines are invoiced, a new billable line is created for the difference in price.

  • Purchase Order Price

    The internal trade price equals the purchase order price.

  • Zero Pricing

    A price of '0' (zero) will be used for the internal invoice, because the costs are assumed to be part of another invoice line, for example, in the surcharge of labor or material.

    This pricing option is only available if Kind of Trade is Internal Subcontracting for Depot Repair.

  • Commercial Price

    The internal trade prices are the same as those charged to a non-affiliated business partner, and can be retrieved from the applicable price books.