Kind of Trade

  • Internal Material Delivery

    Ownership changes directly from one internal legal entity to another internal legal entity.


    Warehouse transfer

  • External Material Delivery

    Ownership changes from one internal legal entity to an external business partner (or affiliated company) based on an order of another legal entity, which will do the external invoicing.


    A sales office creates a sales order to be delivered from a warehouse in another country. In this scenario, the warehouses invoices the sales office for the goods delivered.

  • Direct Delivery

    Ownership changes from one external legal entity to an external business partner based on two orders from different internal legal entities.


    A direct delivery purchase order in which three invoices are required:

    • From supplier to purchase office
    • From purchase office to sales office
    • From sales office to customer
  • Internal Subcontracting for Depot Repair

    Operations or activities are carried out by one legal entity on behalf of another legal entity and there are costs, for example, material or labor, associated with these operations or activities.


    A work order to repair an item, linked to a maintenance sales order of another legal entity.