Non-Conformance Report & Dispositions Process

Non-Conformance Report (NCR) functionality allows you to report non-conforming material identified during inspection of items or material ( Quality or Warehouse Inspection) or during the movement of the materials and/or when the material is in stock. The material is inspected to verify that the items conform to the relevant specifications and/or drawings. During the material inspection process, if a non-conformance is detected, the material is immediately isolated.

This process is applicable to material that is purchased, issued for a production order, finished goods from a production order, issued a material for a sales order and so on.

The NCR is generated for following order origins with or without quality inspections executed as part of quality management.

  • Purchase
  • Purchase Schedule
  • Sales
  • Sales Schedule
  • SFC Production
  • ASC Production
  • Transfer
  • Project Contract
  • Project
  • EP Distribution
  • Storage Inspection
  • Service
  • Maintenance Work
  • Batch Repair
  • Service Call

The NCR can be generated from:

  • Warehouse Inspection
  • Quality Inspection
  • Storage Inspection
  • Service
  • Manually
To create NCR

Complete the following steps to create NCR:

Step 1. Generate NCR

Use the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session to maintain the details of NCR. Based on the order origin Infor LN displays the order details.

If NCR is created manually enter the order origin.

  • Enter the details relating to source order data (if required), lot identifiers, a description of the material non-conformance, some categorization of the non-conformance and information relating to the reporter.
  • Enter the details of Material Review Board and owner of the NCR who is responsible for the NCR.

The NCR is created with status open irrespective of the order origin.

To retain the traceability, Infor LN allows you to define a parent child relationship between two NCRs. If you use Split NCR option, Infor LN refers to the existing NCR as a parent and the subsequent NCR as a child.

If NCR is not generated manually, Infor LN defaults order details based on the order origin.

You can select and link multiple lots and/or serial numbers to an individual NCR.

Step 2. Submit the NCR

Use the Submit NCR option in the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session to submit the NCR for a completeness check, routing decision, and to identify the individual responsible for carrying out the non-conforming material disposition. You can change the default NCR report owner and/or the default Material Review Board (MRB).

To change the data you can reset the NCR status from Submitted to Open.

Step 3. Assign NCR

Use the Assign NCR option in the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session to assign the NCR with status Submitted.

To incorporate the changes suggested by the owner of the material review board, you can change the status from Assigned to Submitted.

Step 4. Disposition of the NCR

The responsible person/ owner investigates the material non-conformance and if required re-assigns the NCR to another owner or MRB in the Details Tab of Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session.

The NCR can be set to the following pre defined dispositions:

  • Rework (to Existing Specification): This disposition is for non-conforming material that can be reworked without adverse effect on safety, performance, interchangeability, reliability, or quality. The reworked material is returned to the normal flow of material.
  • Rework (to New Specification): This disposition is for non-conforming material that can be reworked without adverse effect on safety, performance, interchangeability, reliability, or quality. Infor LN assigns a new part number.
  • Reclassify: This disposition involves the reclassification of non-conforming material and the assignment of a new part number.
  • Return to Vendor: This disposition is applicable when the material discrepancy is the responsibility of the supplier and other dispositions are not recommended.
  • Scrap: The non-conforming material cannot be used for its intended purposes and cannot be repaired. Proof of scrapping is required.
  • Use as is: Is for items, parts or products for which minor nonconformance is repeated, which can be ignored.
  • Repair: This disposition is to bring the nonconforming material to an acceptable condition but which may not totally conform to the applicable drawings or specifications.
  • No Fault Found: This disposition is used when the non-conformance is reported erroneously. Material of this disposition is returned to the normal flow.

You cannot change a NCR with status Dispositioned to a previous status.

Step 5. Close NCR

Select the Close NCR option to close the NCR and status automatically changes to Closed.