set command

In case of version Infor ERP Baan IVc4 , you must use the first time " -- -set" .

In case of version Infor ERP Baan 5.0c or later, you can use the command " -set" . Ignore the first " --" .

You can use the following environment variables with the standard Infor BW program.

Applicable for all Infor ERP versions
  • -set PACKAGE_COMB= < packcomb >: Sets the package combination and overrides the user data.
  • set USER= < username >: Changes the user who starts the bshell.
  • -set BSE_COMPNR= < compnr >: Changes the company number for a Baan Software Environment.
Applicable for Infor ERP Baan 5.0c and later
  • -set SUPPRESS_WINHELP= <1>: U ses ASCII Help instead of Windows Help.
  • -set BAAN_SCM_GRP= < value >: Sets the baan scm group, which is used in an .fd file of development systems.
  • -set BSE_STD_PROGRAM= < program name >: Overrides the standard program, which Tools developers and support personnel use.
  • -set BAAN_WIN_TITLE= < string >: Creates a string that contains the title for the window, depending on the formatting string set by environment variable BAAN_WIN_TITLE. The following formatting variables are supported.

You can also remove the format variable and surrounding string if the value is considered empty. To suppress showing empty variables and the surrounding substring place the text between '<' and '>'. For example:

<filter: %f>

When no filter is active for a session, the title will not contain any filter information. When a filter is active for a session, the title will contain the string: filter: "name of the filter".

The following table lists the variables and their description that are available with the BAAN_WIN_TITLE:

%cCompany number
%CCompany description
%fName of current filter
%sSession code
%SSession description
%IName of current index
%uName of the user
%pPackage combination
%oWindow type
%dNo debug


Command line example:

-set BAAN_WIN_TITLE="%h: %s : %S< [%c]>< (filter: %f)>"

If you run the ttadv2500m000 session in company 000 on host Saturn with filter Tools, this will result in the following window title:

Saturn: ttadv2500m000: Sessions [000] (filter: Tools)

Applicable for Infor ERP Baan 5.2 and later
  • -set LTS_LANGUAGE= < language code >: Sets the LTS language (overrides the user data).
  • -set LTS_RESOLVE_MODE= <mode>:

    • mode dump: Retrieve labels from LTS dump
    • mode database: Retrieve labels from the database
    • mode fallback: Retrieve labels from fallback
Applicable for LN and later
  • -set CUSTOMIZE= < yes/no >
  • Value NO: Disables customization.