Delivery note setup in Freight Management

A delivery note is one of the shipping documents optionally created when the shipment procedure is carried out. Parameter settings control if and how the delivery note functionality is used.

If the delivery note functionality is used, Freight adds the following delivery note attributes to the criteria used to group freight orders for freight planning or freight order clustering purposes:

In this way, clusters created from freight orders are grouped by delivery note, and shipments created from freight orders are grouped by delivery note and load. A load can contain more than one group of shipments-by-delivery-note, but a delivery note cannot refer to more than one load. If more than one load is needed to contain the shipments, for each additional load, a new delivery note is created.

Delivery codes and motives of transport are entered on originating orders and passed on to freight orders, or defaulted on the freight order from the Freight Order Type - Defaults (fmfmd0165m000) session if not entered on the originating orders. You can also manually enter these attributes on freight orders.

Delivery notes are created and maintained in Warehousing. For further information, see Delivery notes.

Step 1. Define default values for freight order types

In the Freight Order Type - Defaults (fmfmd0165m000) session, you can define default delivery codes and motives of transport for freight order types. What you accomplish in this way, is that a delivery code or motive of transport is defaulted on a freight order that is created for a particular type of originating order if the user did not enter a delivery code or motive of transport on the originating order. LN then passes on the delivery code or motive of transport to the shipment, the load, and the delivery note created from the freight order.

Step 2. Define plan matrix

In the Plan Matrix (fmfoc1120m000) session, you can define delivery codes and motives of transport as criteria to retrieve planning groups for freight order lines.

Step 3. Define shipping office matrix

In the Shipping Office Matrix (fmfoc1140m000) session, you can define delivery codes and motives of transport as criteria to retrieve shipping offices for freight orders. For further information, see Freight order grouping and The use of shipping offices and planning groups.