EDI business document Invoice

The business document Invoice describes the invoicing and payment of goods and includes the EDI message Invoice (INV).


The Invoice (INV) message results from the Invoicing procedure in Invoicing. Invoices can be sent to a business partner electronically from Invoicing. The Invoice (INV) message can be received in Accounts Payable under Financials.

The invoicing procedure includes several steps. This business document does not discuss all of these steps, but only the ones that relate to the generation and processing of the Invoice (INV) message.

Invoice (INV)

To generate the Invoice (INV) message:

  1. After invoicing data is released to Invoicing, create a billing request in the Billing Requests (cisli2100m000) session.
  2. Use the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session to process the billing request, which includes composing the invoice for the released data and printing the original invoice. You can also use the Print Invoices (cisli2400m000) session to print the invoice. Printing the original invoice prepares the Invoice (INV) for EDI transmission.
Invoice (INV)

After you ship the goods to the customer, which is the purchasing company, and after you transfer the order to Invoicing and create a billing request, use the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) or Print Invoices (cisli2400m000) sessions to prepare the Invoice (INV) for EDI transmission.

If the Generate Outgoing Message before Connection check box is selected in the Networks (ecedi0120s000) session, use the Direct Network Communication (ecedi7205m000) session to generate the outgoing message and to provide a report that displays the generated messages. If you do not use the option to generate outgoing messages before connection in the Networks (ecedi0120s000) session, you can use the Generate EDI Messages (ecedi7201m000) session to create the ASCII files for outgoing messages.

External EDI messages are placed in the appl_from subdirectory specified for the network and the translation software retrieves the messages. Internal EDI messages need not be translated and are stored in the appl_comm subdirectory, which is used for outgoing and incoming messages.

To receive the Invoice (INV) message from a supplier, which is the selling company, use the Direct Network Communication (ecedi7205m000) session. A purchase invoice is created and two reports are generated. The Remarks in Copied Messages report shows the invoice number(s) generated, along with some pertinent remarks. The Incoming EDI Purchase Invoice report lists the invoiced quantity and amounts at the line level, and the tax amounts by tax code ID, if applicable.

If goods are received before the Invoice (INV) message is received, automatic invoice matching occurs. If the invoice message arrives before the order is received, the purchase invoice remains unmatched and can be manually matched when the goods are received.

The invoice matching can occur either at the invoice header or at the invoice line depending on the data received in the incoming purchase invoice message:

  • Invoice Matching at the Invoice Header
    To perform invoice matching at the header, the Automatic Matching check box must be selected in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session. If the received message includes a valid customer purchase order number in the invoice header and no invoice order line information, the entire order is matched for all order lines that have goods received. If the tolerance is not met, the entire purchase invoice remains unmatched.
  • Invoice Matching at the Invoice Line
    If the received message includes order line information, each invoice line is matched to the customer order lines for which goods were received. The invoice lines for which no goods are received remain unmatched.

You can view the received invoice data in the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) session.