Code and Conversion tables

Code and conversion tables allow you to define the relationship between a code in an EDI message and a code used in the LN application. The codes used are usually related to the organization (which can represent an EDI standard such as ANSI X12 or ODETTE and represent the approved set of codes to be used by that organization.

For example, unit of measure codes are usually unique to an EDI Standards organization. If your internal unit code pcs needs to be translated to each (the ODETTE standard unit), use the conversion code table for units to handle the automatic conversion.

You only need to define conversion tables when a particular code must be converted from an internal value maintained within the LN application to one that is used externally. If both parties use the same codes for items and warehouses, for example, conversion is not necessary.

One mandatory code is the order type code. For incoming messages, the defined order type codes represent valid order type codes that can be received and processed by LN EDI. For outgoing messages, LN uses the codes to maintain the conversion of order types (out).


Some code conversions in LN EDI require a code ID. Code IDs are qualifiers used in code conversions that allow you to convert additional data specifications. Code IDs are transferred within the first qualifier position of the conversion setup definitions.