Scenarios (cprpd4100m000)

To define scenarios, use the Scenarios (cprpd4100m000) session.

On the Forecast tab you can specify the settings for the demand forecast.

You must define the values of the following fields:

Scenario properties
Scenario Start Date

The start date of the time frame in which Enterprise Planning is capable of planning.

The goods flow transactions before the scenario start date are also taken into account, but Enterprise Planning moves these transactions to the start date of the scenario.

It is strongly recommended to define a start date in the past – preferably so far in the past that all open transactions (such as unfinished sales orders) are between the scenario start date and the scenario finish date.

Scenario Finish Date

The end of the range where Enterprise Planning is capable of planning.

Enterprise Planning disregards all goods flow after the scenario finish date.

Rolling Scenario

If this check box is selected, the scenario is rolled. This means that Enterprise Planning moves the plan periods forward from time to time.

To roll the scenario, use the Initialize, Roll, and Update Scenario (cprpd4200m000) session.


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