Time fences in order planning and in master planning

In LN, you can use a time fence to prevent LN from making changes in the near-future supply planning.

As a rule, LN does not overwrite the existing planned orders in the time fence. As a result, LN only generates planned orders beyond the time fence when you carry out the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) or beyond the forecast time fence when you carry out the Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000) session.

To ignore the time fence for order planning, you can select the Generate Within Time Fence check box in the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session. Enterprise Planning then simulates the order planning for the selected range of paln items within the time fence and overwrites the existing planned orders.

In addition to the Generate Within Time Fence check box in the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session, the settings of the Use Time Fence check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session also impacts whether LN plans within or outside the time fence.

Dependent on the settings of both the Generate Within Time Fence check box and the Use Time Fence check box, three situation exist:

  • If you clear the Use Time Fence check box, LN plans within the time fence, and does not take into account the settings of the Generate Within Time Fence check box in the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session.
  • If you select the Use Time Fence check box, and you clear the Generate Within Time Fence check box, LN plans outside the time fence.
  • If you select the Use Time Fence check box, as well as the Generate Within Time Fence check box, LN plans within the time fence.