Planning sequence and phase numbers

Planned supply for a plan item can result in requirements for other plan items. Because of such logistic dependencies, plan items must be planned in a specific order.

Enterprise Planning uses phase numbers to determine the order in which items are planned.

Order planning

In order planning, each item has its own order phase number.

The order phase numbers determine in which order plan items are planned:

  • All plan items with phase number 0
  • All plan items with phase number 1
  • And so on
Master planning

In master planning, each item has its own master-planning phase number. Moreover, each plan unit has its own phase number.

In master planning, supply planning is carried out by plan unit. A plan item that does not belong to a plan unit is treated as a plan unit of its own.

The items are planned in the following order:

  • All plan units with phase number 0, and all plan items that do not belong to a plan unit and which have phase number 0
  • All plan units with phase number 1, and all plan items that do not belong to a plan unit and which have phase number 1
  • And so on

The planning order within a plan unit is only relevant for workload control. Here the planning order within the plan unit is determined by the priority level computed for each item. For more information, see Workload control, to compute planning priorities.

Reviewing and computing phase numbers

You can find a plan item's master-planning phase number and order phase number in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session. A plan unit's phase number is displayed in the Plan Unit (cprpd6100m000) session.

You can use the Compute Phase Numbers (cprpd6200m000) session to recompute phase numbers. Alternatively, you can let LN recompute phase numbers online.