Lot sizing

In Enterprise Planning, a number of constraints can be imposed on the ordered quantity of a production order, purchase order, or distribution order.


You can specify that the ordered quantity must be a multiple of 100 units. If you have a requirement for 530 units, LN generates an order for 600 units.

You can also specify a fixed order quantity of 50 units. If you have a requirement for 530 units, LN generates 11 orders of 50 units each.

Define an item's order method in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2500m000) session.

Define the order quantity settings in the following sessions:

  • Items - Ordering (tcibd2500m000) session
  • Warehouse - Item (whwmd2510m000) session
  • Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session
  • Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000) session
Use of lot size settings

If you defined warehousing data for the item, and you cleared the Use Item Ordering Data check box in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2510m000) session, LN uses the warehousing data for lot sizing. If you selected the Use Item Ordering Data check box, LN carries out lot sizing according to the value that you specified in the Order Method field in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2500m000) session. Next, LN sorts out which supply source to use, and takes into account the order quantity details of the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session for purchase orders, or the constraints that you set for lot sizing in the Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000) session for distribution orders.


A project item always has a Lot for Lot order method.

Lot sizing of purchase schedule items

For purchase schedule items, LN devides the purchase part of the supply over the available suppliers. Instead of lot sizing the devided quantities according to the lot-size settings that you defined for the supplier in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session, which LN does for normal purchase items, LN groups the purchase requirements for purchase schedule items according to the delivery moments of the supplier. Next, LN groups the purchase requirements for each supplier to the delivery moments and lot sizes the quantities of seperate schedule lines according to the lot-size settings in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.