To print header and footer texts on invoices

Standard header and footer texts

To print a standard text on the invoices in the languages of the invoice-to business partners, take the following steps:

  1. In the Invoice Texts (cisli1110m000) session, click New to add a record.
  2. In the Standard Text field, enter a code for the text.
  3. In the Language field, select the appropriate language code.
  4. In the Description field, type the text as it must appear in the language.
  5. Save the data.
  6. Repeat the previous steps to define the standard texts in all the languages of your invoice-to business partners. Use the same codes for similar texts in the various languages.
  7. In the Billing Request Addition (cisli1120s000) session, enter the standard text codes in the Header field and/or the Footer field. When you print the invoices, LN prints the text in the language of the invoice-to business partner.

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