Capacity flows

For Production and Project (PCS) hours, LN automatically records capacity flows.

The following types of capacity flow exist:

  • Contracting-In
  • Contracting-Out
  • Input Capacity Flow
  • Output Capacity Flow

In People, capacity flows between departments depend on the work centers. Therefore, the employee's or machine's work center must be specified to calculate capacity flows between departments for all hours transactions, applicable both to backflushing and manual hours entry. As a result, you can only post hours from People if the work center is specified.

Work Center RelationCapacity Flow Type
Case 1WC-A = WC-P = WC-ENot applicable
Case 2WC-A <> WC-P
Case 3WC-A <> WC-E
WC-AInput Capacity Flow
WC-EOutput Capacity Flow



  • WC-A is the actual work center, which is the work center where the operation is physically executed. This work center is found on the hours line.
  • WC-E is the employee's work center.
  • WC-P is the planned work center. This work center is retrieved from the estimated operation details.

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