Changing the company number

More than one company can be installed on your system. For example, a separate archive company usually exists for the storage of history data. Larger LN systems consist of a structure of logistic and financial companies.

To work with data belonging to a different company, you must change the company.

Changing the company number

To change the company, complete these steps:

  1. Select Options > (Infor LN Options) > Change Company The Change Company (ttdsk2007m000) session starts.
  2. Specify the desired company number(s).
  3. Click OK.

    You are now working in another company.

An administrator can configure to use different colors for each company.

Authorizations and defaults

If you are not authorized to work in the other company or the associated software version (VRC) is not the same, a message is displayed.


If you exit LN and then start LN again, you will be working in your default company.

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