Shipment Line Actual Other Charges (whyin0502m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to maintain the actual other charges levied on a shipment line. LN populates the data when a shipment line is created in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

LN approves the data automatically when the Automatically Approve Other Charges check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.



The shipment number for which the actual other charges are maintained. LN defaults the value from the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.


The loads number generated when a carrier is linked to the transaction. LN defaults the Load value from the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.

Shipment Line

The shipment line for which actual other charges are maintained.

Charge Code

The code for the additional charge applicable to the shipment line.


When the Nature of the additional charge is set to Fixed, the additional charge is linked to only one shipment line of the entire shipment.

Charge Code

The description or name of the code.

Charge Type

The type of additional charge.


If this check box is selected, excise is levied on the additional charge.


If this check box is selected, VAT is levied on the additional charge.


If this check box is selected, service tax is levied on the additional charge.


If this check box is selected, octroi is levied on the additional charge.

Estimated Amount

The estimated amount of the additional charge levied on the shipment line. LN defaults the value from the Amount field in the Warehouse Outbound Lines Other Charges (whyin0101m00l) session.


LN updates the value when the Shipped Quantity field is changed in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

Actual Amount

The actual amount of the additional charge levied on the shipment line.



Approves the actual other charges maintained for the shipment line.

The option is disabled and the other charges are approved automatically when the Automatically Approve Other Charges check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.

The option is disabled when the Status of the shipment line is set to Frozen or Confirmed in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.


Un-approves the approved actual other charges for the shipment line.

The option is disabled when:

  • The Automatically Approve Other Charges check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.
  • The Status of the shipment line is set to Frozen or Confirmed in the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.