Item - Package Definitions (whwmd4130m000)

Use this session to view, add, or change package definitions for the selected item.

In this session, you can link general-level package definitions, which are defined in the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session, to the selected item. You can adjust the handling unit templates and, in case of fixed package definitions, the packaging levels, to create the item-level package definition for the selected item.

When you insert a record in this session, a package definition from the Package Definitions (whwmd4110m000) session is linked to an item to create a package definition for the item.

You cannot delete item-level package definitions if there is inventory present that is stored in the package definition for the item. In addition, the package definition levels and handling unit templates on item level must be deleted before a package definition by item can be deleted.



The code of the item that you link to the package definition.


You are not allowed to specify package definitions for serialized items.

Package Definition

The code of a package definition.

Package Definition Type

The number of items that is packed using one set of the current package definition. For variable package definitions, you can specify or change this number in the handling unit template, provided that the handling unit template is not validated. You can access the handling unit template on the appropriate menu.

Inventory Unit

The storage unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

References based Handling Unit Building at Shipments

If this check box is selected, the shipment lines with the specified reference distribution can be confirmed when the handling units are not packed based on the specified references. The shipment lines can be built based on the handling unit template and the references linked to the shipment line.


By default, this check box is cleared.

If this check box is cleared, the CINDI concept cannot be applied when confirming the shipments.


If this check box is selected, the item-level handling unit template is validated. To validate a handling unit template, see To define package definitions.

Packing Instructions

If this check box is selected, packing instructions exist for the item level package definition. To create packing instructions, click the text button to start the editor and click Create in the dialog that opens.