To process handling unit inspection results

Partial inspections are manually processed in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session or the Warehouse Inspection (whinh3622m000) session.

After processing, rejected or destroyed handling units are unlinked from the handling unit structure. Rejected handling units obtain the Quarantine status if the quarantine functionality is activated, otherwise these handling units obtain the Closed status. Destroyed handling units obtain the Closed status.

After processing a partial inspection, LN unlinks the handling units for which no inspection results were specified from the handling unit structure and creates a new inspection for these handling units.

However, processing an inspection is not allowed if a corresponding bottom-level handling unit has an unspecified quantity and an approved quantity. In such cases a message is displayed and you must specify the entire quantity and process the corresponding inspection handling units.

If the bottom-level handling unit has an unspecified quantity and a rejected or destroyed, but no approved quantity, processing the inspection is allowed. In such cases the destroyed and rejected quantities are removed from the handling unit and processed anonymously, that is, outside the handling unit. The unspecified quantity stays in the handling unit, for which LN creates a new inspection sequence.

If a handling unit is partly approved and partly rejected or (inbound only) destroyed, after processing the destroyed or rejected quantity is removed from the handling unit and processed anonymously.

For further information on processed inspections, refer to Warehousing inspections after processing.