To generate handling units

You can generate handling units during any stage of the inbound goods flow, the outbound goods flow, or storage, provided that the handling unit functionality is set up as required.

For further information, see To set up handling units. Various options to generate handling units are available:

  • Automatically
    For both inbound and outbound goods, you can set up automatic generation of handling units. For further information, see To set up automatic generation of handling units from ASNs and Generate Handling Unit Automatically during Picking.
  • By batch
    In the Generate Handling Units (whwmd5230m000) session, you can generate handling units for ranges of order lines, shipment lines, receipt lines, and so on.
  • Manually
    You can manually generate handling units for individual entities in the following sessions:


    • Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000)
    • Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000)
    • Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)
    • Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000)
    • Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000)
    • Shipment Notice - Lines (whinh3101m000)
    • Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000)
    • Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000)


    • Outbound Advice (whinh4525m000)
    • Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000)
    • Shipments (whinh4130m000)
    • Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000)

If you generate a handling unit for a header record, LN generates a parent handling unit for the header and a child handling unit for each of the lines. For example, if you generate a handling unit for a shipment with three shipment lines, LN generates a parent handling unit for the shipment header and a child handling unit for each of the three shipment lines.

If you select the Generate Handling Unit for Shipment Header during Picking check box in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, The handling units are generated for the shipment header. The existing shipment line handling units are linked to the generated shipment header handling unit. For more information, refer to Using handling units in the shipment process.

If you generate a handling unit for a line, for example, a receipt line, LN generates a handling unit for the receipt line, but:

  • If the line includes a bill of material (BOM) item, LN generates a parent handling unit for the line, and a child handling unit for each of the component items.
  • If package definitions are defined for items or business partners, these package definitions are defaulted on order lines or shipment lines with matching items or business partners. If you select the default package definition of the order line or shipment line (or select a different package definition instead of the default package definition), LN generates the handling units as specified in the package definition. For further information, see Package definitions, To define package definitions, and How package definitions distribute item quantities.

In the Compose Handling Units (whwmd5130m100) session, you can adjust the structure of parent and child handling units.