Item - Lot (whltc1100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain lots.

You can only use lots for lot items. You can specify whether an item is a lot item in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.

The way in which lots are coded depends on the default masks for lots which are specified in the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0100s000) session. You can create the masks in the Masks (tcibd4102m000) session.



The item.


The lot code.

When you enter a new record in the current session, you can do one of the following:

  • You can manually specify a lot code in the current field.
  • You can leave the current field empty. When you save the record, LN will automatically generate the lot code.

If this field is left empty, a code is generated from the Masks (tcibd4102m000) session. The way in which lots are coded depends on the mask as is specified in one of the following fields on the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0100s000) session:

  • Production Order Mask if the lot type is Production.
  • Purchase Order Mask if the lot type is Purchase.
  • General Purpose Mask in other cases.
Effectivity Unit
Lot Type

The origin of the lot.


The order number from which the lot has originated. If Lot Type is of type Purchase, this will be a purchase order number. If it is of type Production, this will be a production order number.

Lot Size

The quantity of items that makes up the lot that was received in the warehouse.

Inventory Unit

The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

Total Lot Price

The total price of the lot.

To view the lot's prices per effective cost component, click Cost Details.


The currency in which the lot is valued.

E-item Revision

The revision code of the revision-controlled manufactured part. The code is printed on various order documents.

This field can only be modified if the Engineering Revisions in Lot Control check box in the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0100s000) session is selected. In that case, the item is a revision-controlled item.

If warehouse receipts have occurred for the lot or any orders are currently present for the lot, you can no longer change the lot's item revision.

Business Partner

The business partner from whom the lot is bought.

Business Partner's Lot

The lot code as identified by your buy-from business partner.

If the Lot Type field has the Production value, this field is not available.


The manufacturer that produced the lot. You can only manually specify the lot's manufacturer.

You can only specify a manufacturer that is specified in the Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000) session.


If this check box is selected, a text is present.

Lot Date

The lot's inventory date. LN assignes the inventory date to the lot when the lot is received.

You can use inventory dates to retrieve lots based on the outbound priority.

If the outbound priority is LIFO or FIFO, the default for the inventory date is the receipt date. If the item has a particular shelf life, the inventory date is the lot's product expiry date. An item has a particular shelf life if:

  • The value of the Period for Shelf Life field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session is Days, Months, or Years.
  • A number of shelf life periods is specified in the Shelf Life [Periods] field in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session.

LN determines the product expiry date as follows:

product expiry date = receipt date + period for shelf life * shelf life [periods]

If the outbound priority is By Location, the lot's inventory date is irrelevant.

First Issue Date

The first date on which an item of the lot has been issued.

First Receipt Date

The first date on which an item of the lot has been received.

Lot Selection Code

An additional code for the lot, that you can use to search for the lot in the database.

You can define lot selection codes in the Lot Selection Codes (whltc1110m000) session.

Certificate Number

The certificate code is information that refers to the documents corresponding to the lot.

Total Unit Hours

The total number of unit hours linked to a specific lot.


You can view this field only if the Show Hours in Costing check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.


Search Revision

Searches the most recent revision of the engineering item.

You can only search for a revision if:

  • The item is revision-controlled. Therefore, the Revision Controlled check box on the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session must be selected for the item.
  • Item revisions are taken into account in the Lot Control module. Therefore, the Engineering Revisions in Lot Control check box in the Lot Control Parameters (whltc0100s000) session must be selected. No Help topic is associated with this item.
Cost Details

Starts the Inventory Receipt Transaction - Cost Details (whina1513m000) session.

Print Lots

Starts the Print Lots (whltc1400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.

Warehouse - Item - Lots Inventory

Starts the Warehouse - Item - Lots Inventory (whltc1505m000) session.

Variable Lot Feature Values

Starts the Variable Lot Features (whltc2100m000) session.

Item - Lots - Issues

Starts the Item - Lots - Issues (whltc3500m000) session.

Item - Lots - Receipts

Starts the Item - Lots - Receipts (whltc3501m000) session.

Convert (to) Lot Item

Starts the Convert (to) Lot Item (whltc1202m000) session.

Delete / Archive Lots

Starts the Delete / Archive Lots (whltc1200m000) session.


Starts the Lot Inventory Variances (whltc1503m000) session.


(Re)calculates the lot date, based on the current date and time.