Order - Inventory Transactions (whinr1511m000)

Use this session to view inventory transactions by order. All transaction and inventory movements resulting from a particular order are shown.

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Order Type

A group of orders that are processed according to the same procedure (series of order steps = sessions). In addition, these orders share a number of other characteristics (return order y/n, collect order y/n, subcontracting order y/n, and so on).


The code of the warehousing order. If the order is generated by another package, this number corresponds to the original order number.


The warehousing order line number. If the order is generated by a package other than Warehousing, this number is the same as the original order line number.

Transaction Date

The date and time on which the inventory transaction was processed. In case of antedating, the transaction date (= receipt date) precedes the actual log date.

You cannot change this date.


The item's code.

Effectivity Unit

The warehouse's code.


The quantity with which the inventory is adjusted, expressed in the inventory unit.


If this check box is selected, the inventory transaction was printed.


Print Inventory Transactions by Order

Starts the Print Inventory Transactions by Order (whinr1411m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.