Planned Inventory Transactions - Chart (whinp1700m000)

Use this session to produce a graphic display of planned inventory transactions by item or by item and warehouse. After you enter your data and you click Continue, LN displays a graphical chart.

In the chart, three lines indicate levels for the following:


By Warehouse

If this check box is selected, the planned inventory transactions are shown by warehouse and item. In the Warehouse field, select the warehouse for which you want to display the inventory transactions.


The warehouse for which you want to display the inventory transactions. To allow inventory transactions to be displayed by warehouse, select the By Warehouse check box.


The start date for the inventory levels to be displayed in the chart. The earliest possible date is the current date.


The end date for the inventory levels to be displayed in the chart.

Chart Refresh Rate

Enter an integer number.

Inventory Movement
Average Inventory

Select Planned Inventory or Planned Inventory (Average), as required. The average inventory is the average planned inventory from the Planned Inventory Transactions (whinp1500m000) session for the selected date range.