Capture Goods Pass Out Document (whinh9540s10l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to maintain or view the excise invoice/Goods pass out document/ GPD details of an excisable item received in a warehouse. You can confirm a receipt line only after the goods pass out document maintained in this session is approved.

The excise duties in the Estimated Excise Duties group box are calculated for the received quantity, using the aggregate tax code and the assessable value for excise specified on the order line.

The excise duties in the Actual Excise Duties group box are calculated for the received quantity, using the aggregate tax code specified on the order line and the assessable value mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

The estimated excise duty varies from the actual excise duty when there is a change in price or discount or quantity of the item.


For items with RG 23D warehouse as a receiving warehouse, click the RG 23 D Receipts option on the Specific menu of the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m100) session, to copy the excise details entered in this session to the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.



The warehouse receipt number. LN defaults the value from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Receipt Line

The receipt line for which the GPD is maintained. LN defaults the value from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Order Origin

The order origin such as Purchase, Transfer (Manual) and so on. LN defaults the value from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.


The order number. LN defaults the value from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.


The order set. LN defaults the value from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.


The order line for which the GPD is maintained. LN defaults the value from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.


The sequence number. LN defaults the value from the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.

Excise Invoice Sequence

The status of the receipt line. The default value is 1 for an active invoice line. The value 0 represents a cancelled invoice line.


The excisable item received in the warehouse. LN defaults the value from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Item Description

The description or name of the code.

Received Quantity in Inventory Unit

The item quantity received in the warehouse. LN defaults the value from the In Inventory Unit field in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session. LN updates the field when the received quantity is changed in the receipt line.


When the field is updated, the estimated taxes are re-calculated and if the GPD is Approved, the Status of the document is re-set to Captured.

Receipt Unit

The unit in which the received quantity is measured.

Shortage Quantity

The difference of Packing Slip Quantity in Inventory Unit and the Received Quantity in Inventory Unit, defined in the Warehouse Receipt Lines (whinh3512m100) session. LN defaults the value from the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session. LN updates the field when the packing slip quantity is changed in the receipt line.


The status of the Goods Pass out Document.

This field can have the following values

  • Created: When the session is started for the first time for a receipt line.
  • Captured: When the GPD details are entered.
  • Approved: When the GPD is approved.
  • On-Hold: When the GPD is dis-approved.
  • Cancelled: When the GPD is cancelled.
  • Posted: When the receipt is confirmed.
HSN Code

The HSN code of the item that is effective on the Planned Receipt Date. LN defaults the value from the HSN by Item (tcibd9143m00l) session . This is a display field.


The code that represents the chapter in the HSN code of the item. The value is equal to the first two digits of the HSN code.

Chapter Description

The description or name of the code.

Item Category

The category of an item that determines the utilization of the claimable excise duty. LN defaults the value from the Item Data for Indian Localization (tcibd9137m00l) session.

Tax Invoice Number

The invoice number. You must enter the invoice number mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

Tax Invoice Date

The invoice date. You must enter the invoice date mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

D3 Number

The challan (intimation) number generated for the receipt. The application generates the D3 intimation number based on the series specified in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session.

  • This field is applicable only for MSO part maintenance lines. This field is not applicable for the order of the other origins.
  • The D3 numbers must be unique for each receipt line.
Total Duty

The total excise duty inclusive of claimable and non-claimable taxes. You must enter the excise duty amount mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

Assessable value

The assessable value of the item on which excise duty is calculated. You must enter the assessable value of the item mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

LR Number

The lorry receipt number. You must enter the LR number mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

LR Date

The lorry receipt date. You must enter the LR date mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

Lorry Number

The lorry or truck number in which the excise item is received. You must enter the lorry number mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.

Dealer Status

The dealer status of the business partner who supplies the excisable goods. You must enter the status mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse.

All other fields in the Dealer Details group box are enabled only when the value is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Supplier Folio Number

The folio number mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Manufacturer Name

The manufacturer name mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Manufacturer Invoice Number

The manufacturer invoice number mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Manufacturer Invoice Date

The manufacturer invoice date mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Quantity Manufacturer Supplied

The quantity supplied by the manufacturer. You must enter the value mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Manufacturer Assessable Value

The assessable value considered by the manufacturer. You must enter the value mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

Duty Paid by Manufacturer

The actual duty paid by the manufacturer. You must enter the value mentioned on the excise invoice received from the buy-from business partner.


The field is enabled only when the receiving warehouse is a RG 23D warehouse and the Dealer Status is set to First Stage Dealer or Second Stage Dealer.

QR Code Details

The Invoice Reference Number of the supplier that is linked to the warehouse receipts.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Tax Invoice Number

The tax invoice number of the supplier that is linked to the warehouse receipt.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Tax Invoice Date

The tax invoice date of the warehouse receipt.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Signed QR Code

The decrypted QR code of the item that is scanned.


Infor Factory Track is used to scan the QR code of the item for warehouse receipts.

QR Code

The QR code of the item that is scanned.



Approves the Goods Pass out Document and the excise tax details of the GPD in the Goods Pass Out Document Lines (whinh9136m00l) session. All the fields in this session and the Goods Pass Out Document Lines (whinh9136m00l) session are disabled and the Status of the document changes to Approved. You can confirm the receipt only after the GPD is approved.


Changes the Status of the document to On-Hold. All the fields are enabled and you can make the necessary changes. You cannot disapprove the GPD when the Line Status field in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session is set to Confirmed.