Close Folio (whinh9241m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to close the folios in the specified range. A folio must be closed when the Balance Quantity of the folio is zero. You can also close a folio with Balance Quantity greater than zero in the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.


You cannot issue an item from a closed folio.


Folio Number

The From and To fields define a range of: folios. Use the browse arrow to select the folio from the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.

Folio Number

The From and To fields define a range of: folios.

ECC Of Warehouse

The From and To fields define a range of: Excise Control Code numbers of the warehouse. Use the browse arrow to select the ECC number from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.

ECC Of Warehouse

The From and To fields define a range of: ECC numbers of the warehouse.


Close Folio

Closes the folio. LN selects the Folio Closed checkbox in the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session, to indicate that the folio is not available for issues.