RG 23D Folio Wise Issues (whinh9142m00l)

This functionality is specific for India.

Use this session to issue an excisable item from a folio in a RG 23D warehouse.


You must maintain the RG 23D issues before confirming the shipment.

Related topics


Order Origin

The origin of the order. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.


This is a display field.

Order Number

The order number for which the item is issued. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. This is a display field.

Order Set

The order set. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. This is a display field.

Order Line

The order line for which the RG 23D issue is maintained. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. This is a display field.

Order Sequence

The sequence number. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. This is a display field.


The item for which the RG 23D issue is maintained. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000). This is a display field.

RG23D Warehouse

The code that identifies the specific RG 23D warehouse. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000). This is a display field.

Total Issue Quantity

The total issue quantity of all the folio numbers. LN updates the value when the Quantity Issued field is updated.


You can confirm the shipment only when the Total Issue Quantity is equal to Shipped Quantity.

Shipped Quantity

The shipped quantity. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

Folio Number

The folio number. The inventory is issued using this folio number. Use the browse arrow to select a folio from the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session. You cannot select a closed folio.


You can select a folio only when the Total Issue Quantity is less than the Shipped Quantity.

Issue Number Against the Folio

The sequential issue number specific to the folio selected in the Folio Number field. LN generates the number.

Balance Quantity Before Issue

The balance quantity in the folio before the item is issued. When the Folio Number field is updated, LN defaults the balance quantity from the Balance Quantity field in the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.


This is a display field.

Balance Excise

The excise duty for the balance quantity. The value is calculated as ( Total Excise Amount/ Put Away Quantity) * Balance Quantity.


This is a display field. LN defaults the value from the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.

Balance Cess

The CESS for the balance quantity. The value is calculated as ( CESS Amount/ Put Away Quantity) * Balance Quantity.


This is a display field. LN defaults the value from the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.

Quantity Issued

The quantity issued from the folio, specified in the Folio Number field.

You must enter a value greater than zero and less than the Balance Quantity Before Issue and the Shipped Quantity.

Excise Amount

The excise duty for the issued quantity. The value is calculated as ( Total Excise Amount/ Put Away Quantity) * Quantity Issued.

The Total Excise Amount and the Put Away Quantity values are defined for an item, in the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.


This is a display field.

Cess Amount

The excise duty for the issued quantity. The value is calculated as ( CESS Amount/ Put Away Quantity) * Quantity Issued.

The CESS Amount and the Put Away Quantity values are defined for an item, in the RG 23 D Receipts (whinh9541m00l) session.


This is a display field.


The shipment number for which the RG 23D issue is displayed. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.

Shipment Position

The position of the shipment line for which the RG 23D issue is displayed. LN defaults the value from the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session.


RG23D Folio Wise Issue Lines

Starts the RG23D Folio Wise Issue Lines (whinh9138m00l) session which shows the excise tax details of the item issued against the selected folio.