Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)

Use this session to enter and confirm receipts.

Basically, to receive goods, you create a new receipt record and link the inbound order lines, handling units, shipments or ASN lines, which list the goods to be received, to the new receipt record. As a result, LN creates receipt lines for the linked inbound order lines and the inbound order lines associated with the linked handling units, shipments, or ASN lines.

The receipt record is shown in the header section in the upper half of this session and the receipt lines are shown in the lower half of this session. For more information, refer to How to receive goods.

After you create receipts and receipt lines, you must confirm the receipts and receipt lines. For more information, refer to Confirming receipts and receipt lines.

You can customize this session by showing or hiding:

  • Command buttons on the toolbar
  • Receipts Header and Receipts Satellites that include specific information and functionality for receipt headers or receipt lines. The information and the functionality of the tabs are also available as a regular LN sessions.



The receipt header number that identifies one or more receipts.

If you create a new receipt, this field is either unavailable and shows a predefined series, or the field is available, has a default series, and has an option to select a different series. This depends on the settings of the Select Receipt Series field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Related topics


The receipt status.

Allowed values

Receipt Status


If this check box is selected, all receipt lines of the receipt are confirmed, and therefore the receipt is confirmed. If this check box is cleared, the receipt is not confirmed, because not all receipt lines of the receipt are confirmed, or the receipt does not have receipt lines.


The warehouse in which the receipt takes place.

If you create a new receipt, this field is either read-only and shows a predefined warehouse, or the field has a default value taken from the first receipt line of the receipt, which the user can overwrite. This depends on the settings of the Warehouse field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Related topics

Ship-from Business Partner

The ship-from business partner who sent the goods to be received.

Delivery Carrier/LSP

The carrier who delivers the goods.

Handling Unit

The handling unit generated for the receipt. This handling unit is used to pack the items listed on the receipt. For each receipt line, child handling units can exist for this handling unit.

All Lines Final

If this check box is selected, all receipt lines of the current receipt are final. This check box is selected if for each receipt line of the current receipt, the Final check box in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session is selected. A receipt line is final if no further goods are expected for the order line to which the receipt line is associated.

Partially Confirmed

If this check box is selected, one or more, but not all receipt lines of the current receipt are confirmed.

Inspection Required

If this check box is selected, inspection is required for one or more receipt lines of the current receipt. This check box is selected if, in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session, the Inspection check box is selected.

Errors Logged

If this check box is selected, errors that occurred during the receipt process have been logged for the receipt. The error messages are displayed in the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session and the Message Log tab in the lines pane of this session. The setting of the Enhanced Receipt Lines field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session determines whether the Message Log tab is displayed in the lines pane of this session.

All Lines Complete

If this check box is selected, all of the receipt lines of the current receipt are completely filled. This check box is selected if for all receipt lines of the current receipt the Complete check box is selected in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Receipt Text

If this check box is selected, a text is present.

You can directly enter receipt text in the Text field of the Freight, Receipt Text tab, but the availability of this tab depends on the settings of the Enhanced Receipts field.

To enter receipt text, you can also press CTRL-T.

Highest Priority Indicator

The most urgent action that you must take for one or more receipt lines of the current receipt. For more information, refer to Indicator.

Packing Slip

The packing slip ID of the party delivering the goods to be received.

Receipt Date

The date on which the receipt header is created.

Receive (Easy Entry)

The ID number of the item or the ship-from business partner associated with the records that you want to link to the receipt. If required, you can zoom to the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session or the Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4521m000) session to select a record.

If you enter an ID code in this field, LN determines whether the ID code matches one of the following types of records:

  • Item
  • The EAN Code that is linked to the item in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • An Alternative Item that is linked to the item in the Alternative Items (tcibd0505m000) session.
  • Ship-from business partner
  • Handling unit reference
  • ASN reference
  • Order line reference
  • Order reference

If the ID code matches any records of these types, and these records are associated with order lines that are to be received, LN links the associated order lines to the receipt. You can also use the zoom option to select a specific item or ship-from business partner.


The ID code of the record that you want to link to the receipt. You can also zoom to the applicable session to select a record.

If you enter an ID code in this field, LN determines whether the ID number matches a(n):

  • Handling unit
  • Planned load/shipment
  • Packing slip
  • Supplier's ASN number
  • Shipment notice
  • Shipment notice line
  • Expected order
  • Expected order line

If the ID number matches any records of these types, and these records are associated with order lines that are to be received, LN links the associated order lines to the receipt. You can also use the zoom option to select a specific item or ship-from business partner.


The number of the ASN line or the inbound order line that you want to link to the receipt. If you enter a line number in this field, LN will search for an ASN line or an inbound order line with a matching line number and which is associated with the ID number that is entered in the Number (Line) field. If you leave this field empty, all ASN lines or order lines associated with the ID number that is entered in the Number (Line) field are linked.

Freight, Receipt Text
Planned Delivery Date

The planned delivery date of the shipment by means of which the goods to be received are delivered at the warehouse. The planned delivery date is defaulted from the receipt date entered in the first receipt line of the receipt.


The load by means of which the goods to be received are delivered at the warehouse. You can overwrite the default value, which is taken from the Load field of the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.


The shipment by means of which the goods to be received are delivered at the warehouse. You can overwrite the default value, which is taken from the Shipment field of the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session.

Suppliers ASN Number

The advance shipment notice number of the buy-from business partner


This value is defaulted from the Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000) session for the specified Ship-from Business Partner and the Shipment to which the receipt is linked.

Freight Value

The freight value of the goods delivered for receipt.


The currency used to express the freight value.

Gross Weight

The total weight of the load containing the goods of the receipt. The default value in this field, which you can overwrite, is taken from the Weight field of the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session for all of the receipt lines of the current receipt.

Unit of Measure

The unit used to express the total weight of the receipt.

Receipt Text
Receipt Text

Click in this field to enter any comments regarding the receipt.

Receipt Filter
Filter Options
Expected Today

If this check box is selected, LN only searches expected orders with a planned receipt date that is equal to the current date.

Components Issue Lines

If this check box is selected, order lines that list components or main items belonging to the same BOM as the item entered in the Item field are searched. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.

Item Identification

If this check box is selected, order lines with effectivity units, serial numbers, lot numbers, or revision numbers that match the effectivity unit, serial number, lot numbers, or revision number entered in the Item field are searched. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines are searched.

Receipt Filter / High Volume Entry

The item or item related search criteria for expected order lines or ASN lines. Expected order lines or ASN lines associated with records with matching ID codes will be linked to the receipt. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

In this field, you can enter any of the following types of ID codes to search for expected order lines or ASN lines.

  • Item
  • The EAN Code that is linked to the required item in the Items - General (tcibd0501m000) session.
  • An alternative item code based on the item code systems specified in the Item Code System for Receipts (1) fields of the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.
  • Component item
    To perform searches based on component item codes, the Components Issue Lines check box must be selected.
  • Item identification

    To search for order lines (no ASN lines) based on item identification, the Item Identification check box must be selected. Item identification comprises the following types of ID codes:

    • Effectivity unit
    • Serial number
    • Lot number
    • Revision number

The reference to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching references will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Ship-from Code

The ship-from code to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching ship-from codes will be retrieved.

The ship-from code search engine works as follows:

  1. It the ship-from code entered in this field relates to a business partner, expected order lines for this business partner are shown.
  2. If no business partner is found, the search engine looks for a warehouse that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the warehouse are retrieved.
  3. If no warehouse is found, the search engine looks for a project that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the project are retrieved.
  4. If no project is found, the search engine looks for a work center that matches the ship-from code entered in this field. If found, expected order lines linked to the work center are retrieved.

If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching

receipt lines are searched.


The warehouse to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching warehouses will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The receipt location to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching receipt locations will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Packing Slip

The packing slip to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. ASN lines with matching packing slips will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Order Origin

The order origin to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching order origins will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The carrier to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines. Expected order lines with matching carriers will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The load ID code to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. Matching planned loads and shipments or expected ASN lines with matching planned loads and shipments will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Handling Unit

The handling unit to be used as a search criterion for expected order lines and ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines with matching handling units will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

The shipment notice to be used as a search criterion for ASN lines. ASN lines with matching shipment notices will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.


The expected order or expected order line that will be retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, receipt lines linked to the order that you enter are searched.


The order line that is to be linked to the receipt. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.


The received quantity.

If you enter a quantity in this field, LN enters this quantity as the received quantity in the receipt line. This quantity can differ from the quantity on the order line. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.


The unit in which the received quantity is expressed.

If you enter a unit in this field, LN enters this unit as the storage unit in the receipt line. For more information, refer to Receipt filter search criteria.

Receipt Date Range

The first date of the receipt date range that LN must use to search for expected order lines or ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines whose receipt dates match the dates within the range are retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Receipt Date Range

The last date of the receipt date range that LN must use to search for expected order lines and ASN lines. Expected order lines and ASN lines whose receipt dates match the dates within the range are retrieved. If you use the Unlink Filter Result command, matching receipt lines are searched.

Tax Invoice Details

The Invoice Reference Number of the supplier that is linked to the warehouse receipts.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Tax Invoice Number

The tax invoice number of the supplier that is linked to the warehouse receipt.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Tax Invoice Date

The tax invoice date of the warehouse receipt.

  • Infor LN populates this value when the QR code is decoded.
  • You can modify the value only if the Warehouse Receipt status is other than Confirmed.
Signed QR Code

The decrypted QR code of the item that is scanned.


Infor Factory Track is used to scan the QR code of the item for warehouse receipts.

QR Code

The QR code of the item that is scanned.

Receipt Line Details
Receipt Line

The line number of the receipt line that is currently selected in the details section of this session. If no receipt line is selected, this field displays the following text: Not Selected.


If this check box is selected, the receipt line that is currently selected in the details section of this session is final. This check box is selected if for the currently selected receipt line of the current receipt, the Final check box is selected in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session. A receipt line is final if no further goods are expected for the order line to which the receipt line is associated.


If this check box is selected, the receipt line that is currently selected in the details section of this session requires inspection. This check box is selected if, in the Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000) session, the Inspection check box is selected for the currently selected receipt line.

Receipt Line Details
Order Origin

The order origin of the order for which the selected receipt line was created.


The item received or to be received listed on the selected receipt line.


The warehouse in which the goods of the selected receipt line are received.

Effectivity Unit

The effectivity unit of the item listed on the selected receipt line.

Ship-from Business Partner

The ship-from business partner of the goods listed on the selected receipt line.

Serial Number

The serial number of the item received or to be received.


Any informative description field used to refer to, for example:

  • The person or department with authorization to perform a specific task.
  • The business partner's contact.
  • The original invoice number.

The lot number for the goods received or to be received.

Packing Slip

The ship-from business partner's packing slip number.

Inventory Date

The inventory date for the received items.

Packing Slip Quantity in Inventory Unit

The delivered quantity on the ship-from business partner's packing slip.

Packing Slip Quantity

The unit in which the packing slip quantity is expressed.

E-item Revision

The revision code of the revision-controlled item.


Print Receipts

Starts the Print Receipts (whinh3412m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.

Print Labels

Starts the Print Labels (whwmd5430m100) session.


Use this command to create a new receipt.

Switch to Receipt

Starts the Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000) session in overview mode. In this session, you can look up empty or open receipts.

Receipt Lines

Starts the Receipt Lines (whinh3512m400) high volume entry session.

Expected Orders

Starts the Expected Orders (whinh3822m000) session.

Expected Shipments

Starts the Expected Shipments (whinh3821m000) session.

Generate Advice

Generates inbound advice for the selected record.

Undo Link Order Lines to Receipt

Removes the last linked receipt lines from the receipt only if you not restarted the session.


Confirms the receipt.


If the status of the receipt is Under Review, use this option to set the receipt back to Confirmed.

Inbound Advice

Starts the Inbound Advice (whinh3525m000) session.

Generate Inbound Advice

Starts the Generate Inbound Advice (whinh3201m000) session.


Puts away the received items for which inbound advice is generated.

Generate Advice and Putaway

Use this command to generate inbound advice for the selected receipt and put away the selected receipt.

Inbound Advice Log

Starts the Inbound Advice Log (whinh3529m000) session.

Warehouse Inspections

Starts the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session.

View Filter Result

After you fill the search criteria fields in the Receipt Filter tab of the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session, use this command to display the search results in the Receipt Filter Result (whinh3540m000) session.

If the Receipt Filter tab is not available, use this command to start the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session and, after you fill the search criteria fields and click OK, display the filter results in the Receipt Filter Result (whinh3540m000) session from which you can select the required lines to be linked to the receipt.

For more information, refer to Receipt Filter.

Link Filter Result

After you fill the search criteria fields in the Receipt Filter tab of the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session, use this command to immediately link the retrieved records to the receipt without showing them first.

If the Receipt Filter tab is not available, use this command to start the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session and, after you fill the search criteria fields and click OK, immediately link the filter results to the receipt without showing them first.

For more information, refer to Receipt Filter.

Unlink Filter Result

After you fill the search criteria fields in the Receipt Filter tab of the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session, use this command to immediately unlink the retrieved records from the receipt without showing them first.

If the Receipt Filter tab is not available, use this command to start the Receipts Filter (whinh3226m000) session and, after you fill the search criteria fields and click OK, immediately unlink the filter results from the receipt without showing them first.

For more information, refer to Receipt Filter.

Clear Fields

Clears the filter selection fields of the current session with the last entered selection data.

Restore Fields

Fills the filter selection fields of the current session with the last entered selection data.

Receipt Message Log

Starts the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session. The information displayed in the Receipt Message Log (whinh3530m000) session is also shown in the details section of the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session if the Message Log check box is selected in the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Confirm Receipts

Starts the Confirm Receipts (whinh3212m000) session.

Handling Units

Starts the Handling Units (whwmd5130m000) session.

Handling Unit Tree

Shows the selected handling unit's tree structure, with the selected handling unit on top of the tree.

Generate Handling Unit

Generates a handling unit for the selected receipt or receipt line.

Remove Handling Unit

Deletes the handling unit for the selected receipt or receipt line.

Warehouse Receipts History

Starts the Warehouse Receipts History (whinh3560m000) session.

Unlink All Order Lines

Use this command to unlink all order lines from the receipt.

User Profiles

Start the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.