Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000)

This session contains:

  • A history list of parameter sets and their effective dates. The most recent parameter sets are at the end of the list.
  • The current parameter set, at the top of the list (without an effective date). To view historical sets, double-click one of the historical parameter sets. You can use the Print Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0400m000) session to print and compare the parameter sets.

To view or change the current parameters, double-click the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list. The Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) details session starts.

If you make changes and save the new parameter setting, LN performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set at the end of the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter setting was saved. To avoid confusion, if you change the parameters, change or delete the default Description text.


Warehousing Orders
Effective Date

The date and time when the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.


The description of the parameter set.

Correct Outbound Quantity for SFC upto and including
Correct Outbound Quantity for SFC upto and including

This setting determines up to which status Shop Floor Control can correct the quantities on outbound order lines related to material requirements for production orders.

Allowed values

Update outbound line

SFC Production orders frequently require corrections, for example, because of a machine break-down at the shop floor. If an SFC Production order is corrected, the corresponding material requirements require correction as well. Material requirements are issued by means of outbound order lines.

  • When making corrections to outbound order lines, only the 'not advised' (to be advised) quantity is adjusted.
  • If no outbound order line is present for which correction is allowed, LN creates an inbound order line through which LN returns the materials to inventory.

    For example, if option Open Line is selected, which allows correction up to status Open, and no open outbound order lines exist, LN creates an inbound order line.

Correct Outbound Dates for SFC upto and including
Correct Outbound Dates for SFC upto and including

This setting determines up to which status Shop Floor Control can update the planned dates for outbound order lines related to material requirements for production orders.

Allowed values

Update outbound line

SFC Production orders frequently require re-planning, for example, because of a machine break-down at the shop floor. If an SFC Production order is replanned, the corresponding material requirements require rescheduling as well. Material requirements are issued by means of outbound order lines.

To optimize SFC Production order replanning, Shop Floor Control must be enabled to adjust the planned dates for warehousing outbound order lines.


To adjust the planned dates, Shop Floor Control does not check the status of the outbound order line as a whole, but the status of the quantities listed on the outbound order line, for example, the quantity released, the quantity advised, and so on.

If Shop Floor Control finds quantities for which planned date correction is allowed, the planned dates are corrected as follows:

  • The planned dates of the order line are adjusted if the entire quantity of the order line is allowed to be adjusted.
  • If part of the order line quantity is allowed to be corrected, a new outbound order line is created for this quantity and the planned dates are adjusted for the new order line.

For example, planned date correction is allowed up to Generate Outbound Advice, and a released outbound order line lists the following quantities:

  • 10 pcs Open
  • 10 pcs fulfillment plan present
  • 10 pcs Advised
  • 10 pcs Released

Planned date correction is allowed for 30 pcs, that is, the Open and the Advised quantities, and the quantities with a fulfillment plan, of this outbound order line. For these quantities, a new order line is created with planned dates filled by Shop Floor Control.

Post Transfer Losses to Ship-to Entity

If this check box is selected, and you did not define a goods transfer relationship between the warehouses, the losses due to the transfer are posted to the receiving warehouse.

If this check box is cleared, and you did not define a goods transfer relationship between the warehouses, the losses due to the transfer are posted to the issuing warehouse.

You can use the Entity - Entity Relationships (tcemm2110m000) session in Enterprise Modeling Management to define a goods transfer relationship between warehouses.


If the transfer losses are posted to the project WIP Warehouse, a financial integration transaction with the document type Project Costs & Commitments/ Shipment Variance is created, to book the loss to the project.

Warehousing Order

If this check box is selected, warehousing order history is stored in, for example, the Warehousing Orders History (whinh2550m000) session. Every time a warehousing order or warehousing-order line is created, modified, or removed, LN creates a warehousing-order history line.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Inbound Order Line Lots and Serials History

If this check box is selected, LN creates history data for the inbound order line lots and serials, every time an inbound order is created, modified or removed. For Example, the lots and serials history data is stored and can be accessed using the Inbound Order Line Lots and Serials History (whinh2566m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Warehouse Order Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate warehousing order numbers.


The series used to generate warehousing order numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Series for Receipt Triggered Orders

The series used to generate warehousing order numbers for orders generated for unexpected receipts.

Related topics

Load Length

The parameter which determines the number of digits that are present in a load number generated by the first free number mechanism of LN.

You can increase or decrease the length of the load number. If you change the load length, the modified setting applies only to the new loads that LN creates. For more information, refer to Length of ASN Number.

Step Size for Lines

The step size between position numbers of warehousing-order lines.

Step Size for Sets

The step size of position numbers of warehousing order sets.

Assign Item Surcharges for Item Transfer
Assign Item Surcharges for Item Transfer

Specifies the way item surcharges must be applied in case of item transfers.

Select from:

  • Issue and Receipt

    Assign item issue surcharges and item receipt surcharges for item transfers.

  • Only Issue

    Assign only item issue surcharges for item transfers.

  • Only Receipt

    Assign only item receipt surcharges for item transfers.

  • None

    Assign no item surcharges for item transfers.

  • Not Applicable

Default value: Issue and Receipt

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Assign item surcharges for item transfer

Generate Handling Units Automatically from ASNs
Generate Handling Units Automatically from ASNs

Generate Handling units automatically

The settings that control automatic generation of handling units from inbound ASNs. These settings apply to inbound ASNs that include items not linked to any warehouse.


The settings made in the Generate Handling Units Automatically from ASNs field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session and the Creation ASN field of the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session overrule the settings made in this field. In addition, the settings specified in the Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000) session overrule those made in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

Receive Direct Delivery Automatically

If this check box is selected, the advance shipment notice (ASN) receipts of direct delivery orders which are processed through electronic data interchange (EDI) are confirmed automatically.

If this check box is cleared, the ASN receipts of direct delivery orders which are processed through EDI must be confirmed manually. To confirm the ASN manually, you must run Receive Direct Delivery Lines command in the Shipment Notice (whinh3600m000) session. You can also modify the Actual Delivery Date and Packing Slip number if necessary.

You can also modify the details of Shipped Quantity and Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit in the Shipment Notice - Lines (whinh3101m000) session.

Generate ASNs Automatically

If this check box is selected, advanced shipping notes are automatically generated when you confirm a shipment.

If this check box is cleared, an advanced shipping note (ASN) is not automatically generated, but you can manually create an ASN in the Confirm Outbound ASN (whinh4230m100) session.

History ASN

If this check box is selected, the advance shipment notice (ASN) data is stored in history files. The data in these files can be viewed with history sessions, for example, the Shipment Notices History (whinh3550m000) and Landed Cost Line History (tclct2550m000) sessions.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Use Receipt Header Defaults

If this check box is selected, and you create a receipt line in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, LN retrieves data from the Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000) session.

LN retrieves the following data:

  • The Packing Slip in the Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000) session, if specified, as default for the Packing Slip in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.
  • The Date of Creation in the Warehouse Receipt Headers (whinh3110m000) session, if specified, as default for the Receipt Date in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.
Generate Lots for Effectivity Units Automatically

If this check box is selected, and you create effectivity units, LN generates lots.

Packing Slip Mandatory on Receipts for Purchase Orders

If this check box is selected, you must specify the packing slip number in the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session when you receive purchased items.

Apart from purchase orders, you can set the packing slip number field as mandatory for any other type of orders. Example sales order, service order and so on.

To select the type of order for which the packing slip number must be specified, click the More button, the list of orders displays in a new window.

Confirm Receipt as Final

If this check box is selected, the Final Receipt check box is automatically selected for all receipt lines of a purchase order line receipt after the last receipt line is confirmed. For the receipt lines, the Final Receipt check box is made read-only.

The setting in this field is the default for all warehouses in your organization. In the Confirm Receipt as Final field of the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session, you can change this setting for individual warehouses.

If this check box is selected, end users are not required to (re-) check the received items while confirming receipts and manually select the Final Receipt check box. This will speed up the receipt procedure, which can be important if large numbers of receipt transactions are involved. As an additional result, the possible situation that back orders are not created because a user forgot to select the Final Receipt check box is prevented. On the other hand, if checking the received items while confirming receipts is required for the current warehouse, you must clear this check box.

The only way to undo the automatic selection of the Final Receipt check box for an individual receipt is to adjust the receipt quantities in the Receipt Correction (whinh3121s000) session. This session requires specific authorization.


If this check box is selected, and receipt confirmation must be blocked if the received quantities are not fulfilled according to the receipt tolerances, you must redefine the receipt tolerances either by changing the Block value to Warn, or by adjusting the quantities.

You can define receipt tolerances and blockings in the Receiving group box of the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Receipt History

If this check box is selected, receipt data is stored in history files. The data in these files can be viewed with history sessions, for example, the Warehouse Receipts History (whinh3560m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Item Search
Item Code System for Receipts

The item code system that is used to search an item based on the supplier's item code.

If a supplier's item code is available, the item code system enables you to search for the corresponding internal item code. When you enter a receipt, you can search for warehousing order lines whose internal item code corresponds to the supplier's item code.

LN uses the item code systems as specified in the current session in the following priority sequence:

  1. Item Code System for Receipts (1)
  2. Item Code System for Receipts (2)
  3. Item Code System for Receipts (3)

The item code systems, as specified in those fields, must be different.

Related topics

Print Cost/Service Item on Goods Received Notes
Cost/Service Items on Goods Received Notes

Indicates whether, or which, non-physical item type is printed in the Print Receipts (whinh3412m000) session.

Print Manufactured Item or Components on Goods Received Notes
Print Manufactured Item or Components on Goods Received Notes

Indicates whether the manufactured main item, the manufactured item's components, or both are printed on the goods-received note.

  • If the Inventory Handling field in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session is set to By Component, and you choose Components, LN will print the components defined in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session on the goods-received note.
  • If the Inventory Handling field in the Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000) session is set to By Component, and you choose Both, LN will print both the main item and the components that are defined in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session on the goods-received note. The main item is printed underlined without quantities.
Order Unit on Packing Slip

If this check box is selected, LN prints the unit in which the quantity on the order is expressed, on the packing slip.

Receipt Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate receipt numbers.


The series used to generate receipt numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of receipts.

Inbound Advice Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate inbound advice numbers.


The series used to generate inbound advice numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Print Storage Conditions - Inbound
Item/Item Group Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Item/Item Group Storage Conditions on documents/reports that belong to the inbound procedure.

Default Inventory Receipt Value
Default Inventory Receipt Value

The default receipt value of the inventory when no receipt price is defined.


When the receipts are confirmed, the financial transactions are created based on:

  • Normal Receipts
    The receipt for the material that is received. For example, Purchase receipts, Positive Adjustment, Receipt of by-product from production and so on. Supported order origins can be SFC Production Order, Maintenance Work Order, Maintenance Sales Order, Service Order, Adjustment Order and Cycle Counting Order.
  • Return Receipts
    The receipt for material that is not received. For example, Sales return, material return from production and so on. Return receipts wherein the inbound price may or may not be defined can be linked to the order origin. The supported order origins can be Sales Order, Maintenance Work Order and Project Contract (only when the inbound price is not defined)

When receipt price is not defined, the valuation of the receipts in inventory can be performed only if the ownership is set to Company Owned.

Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions on documents/reports that belong to the inbound procedure.

Warehouse Inspections
Inventory in Inspection Available for Planning

If this check box is selected, items are available for planning by Enterprise Planning, TPOP, or SIC if inspection is required for these items.

You cannot change the value of this check box if a record exists in the Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000) session with a value in the To be Inspectedin Inventory Unit field that is greater than zero.

Consolidate Stock Points in one Warehouse Inspection

If this check box is selected, low volume lot or serialized items, LIFO/FIFO items, or items contained in multiple handling units, are consolidated into a single inbound or outbound inspection.

Consolidation depends on these conditions:

  • Warehouse inspection is required for these items.
  • Inbound
    The items are listed on receipt lines or inbound advice lines whose inbound order lines match. If the warehouse is location controlled, the advised inspection locations must also match.
  • Outbound
    The items are listed on outbound advice lines whose outbound order lines match. If the warehouse is location controlled, the advised staging locations must also match.

For more information, refer to Creating, updating, and deleting inspection headers and lines.

Quarantine Inventory

If this check box is selected, quarantine inventory handling is available. In the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) details session, for each relevant warehouse, you must also select the Quarantine Inventory check box to allow quarantine inventory handling.

To use payable-to-supplier method instead of standard quarantine inventory handling, select the following check boxes:

  • The current one
  • Payable to Supplier
  • For each relevant warehouse, Quarantine Inventory check box in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) details session.

If this check box is cleared, LN removes rejected goods from inventory at the moment of rejection. As a result, the rejected goods no longer exist.

Payable to Supplier

If this check box is selected, invoicing and payment of quarantine inventory received through purchase orders or purchase schedules is allowed before the warehousing inspection and quarantine processes are completed.

Available for Planning

Specify if or when quarantine inventory is available for Enterprise Planning, TPOP, or SIC.

  • This parameter applies to quarantine inventory and has no impact on items in warehousing inspections.
  • Processed disposition lines are never available for planning.
Inbound Inspection Blocking Reason

A user-defined description that is based on a transaction and its type. Reason codes assist in selecting data for inquiry and for reporting.

Outbound Inspection Blocking Reason

A user-defined description that is based on a transaction and its type. Reason codes assist in selecting data for inquiry and for reporting.

Quarantine Inventory Blocking Reason

The reason why received goods did not pass the inspection.

Inspection Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate inspection numbers.

Series for Inbound

The series used to generate inbound inspection numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Series for Outbound

The series used to generate outbound inspection numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Number Group for Quarantine ID

The number group used to define quarantine ID numbers.

Series for Quarantine ID

The series used to define quarantine ID numbers.

Dynamic Cross-docking

If this check box is selected, dynamic cross-docking can be used.


If a cross-dock order exists, you cannot clear this check box.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Related topics

Generate Cross-dock Order for Outbound Advice Shortage

If this check box is selected, and, after generating an outbound advice, an inventory shortage is found, a cross-dock order is created for the inventory shortage.


In the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session, you can still select or clear this check box. However, if you generate an outbound advice directly, for example, from within the Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000) session, this option applies to the warehouse/item level ( Warehouse - Item (whwmd2510m000)/ Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000)).

Generate Cross-dock Order Lines when Confirming Receipt

If this check box is selected, LN checks if there are any open cross-dock orders that must be fulfilled by incoming goods.

Automatically Approve Cross-dock Order Lines

If this check box is selected, and cross-dock order lines are generated, these inbound order lines will immediately receive the status Approved.

Priority Definition

A user-defined set of priorities assigned to one or more LN table fields. LN uses the cross-dock order priority definition to generate the cross-dock order system priority.

  • You can use cross-dock order priority definitions for Dynamic cross-docking only.
  • Instead of cross-dock order priority definitions, and dependent on a parameter setting, you can apply planning priority rules to Dynamic cross-docking.

For more information, refer to Cross-dock order priority

Restriction Definition

A user-defined set of rules that LN uses to determine whether to create cross-dock orders. The rules are checked one after the other. If a valid condition is met, no cross-dock orders will be created. If no rule applies, LN permits creation of cross-dock orders. Cross-dock restriction rules are taken into account regardless of the use of direct material supply.

For more information, refer to Cross-dock restrictions

Use Planning Priority Rules

If this check box is selected, planning priority rules will be used by direct material supply (DMS). As a result, these rules are applied to DMS-generated cross-dock orders and to all other dynamic cross-dock orders.

For more information, refer to Planning priority rules

Generate Cross-dock Order when Releasing Order to Warehousing
Generate Cross-dock Order when Releasing Order to Warehousing

Indicates the conditions that govern the generation of cross-dock orders, when an issue order is released to Warehousing. The value that you specify in the field is defaulted in the Warehouses (whwmd2500m000) session.

To enable this field, you must select the Dynamic Cross-docking check box. If you clear the Dynamic Cross-docking check box, the Generate Cross-dock Order when Releasing Order to Warehousing field is set to Never.

Cancel Cross-dock Orders when Inventory Can Be Advised

Indicates the conditions that govern the automatic cancelation or partial cancelation of the related cross-dock orders when an outbound advice for an outbound order line is generated.

  • The parameter applies to dynamic cross-dock orders only, and not to static cross-dock orders or direct material supply related cross-dock orders.

  • The field is enabled only when you select the Dynamic Cross-docking check box.

  • The automatic cancellation of cross-dock orders is possible when you generate an outbound advice. Automatic cancellation is not possible for an outbound advice that is manually created or modified.

Allowed values

You can select from the following options:

  • Never: Cross-dock orders are never canceled, even when inventory is available for outbound advice. This value is selected by default.

  • Open Cross-dock Orders: Cross-dock orders that do not have cross-dock order lines are canceled. The cross-dock orders that have canceled cross-dock order lines are also canceled.

  • Open and Planned Cross-dock Orders: Cross-dock orders without lines and cross-dock orders with lines are canceled. The part of the cross-dock order that can be canceled is equal to the difference between the requested cross-dock order quantity and the total quantity of the cross-dock order lines that are not canceled.

Cross-dock Order Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate cross-dock order numbers.


The series used to generate cross-dock order numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of cross-dock orders.

Direct Material Supply (DMS)
Direct Material Supply (DMS)

If this check box is selected, LN can use direct material supply (DMS)

For more information, refer to Direct material supply (DMS)

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Use Warehouse Supply Structures

If this check box is selected, LN will use warehouse supply structures.

For more information, refer to Warehouse supply structures

Picking Options
Negative Inventory Allowed

If this check box is selected, negative inventory is allowed.

Related topics

Advanced Negative Inventory

If this check box is selected, the following options become available in various sessions:

  • Create Outbound Advice Despite Inventory Shortage
  • Allow Negative Inventory without On Order


  • Items - Warehousing (whwmd4500m000)
  • Items - Warehousing Defaults (whwmd4501m000)
  • Warehouse - Item (whwmd2510m000)
  • Process Outbound Advice (whinh4200m000) *
  • Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) *

Related topics

Restrict Picking by Location Type

This check box only applies to inventory that is stored, with package definitions. For each package definition level you must specify whether the location type is Pick or Bulk.

If this check box is selected, and an outbound advice is generated:

  • Only pick locations are checked on the availability of inventory for package definition levels with the Pick location type.
  • Only bulk locations are checked on the availability of inventory for package definition levels with the Bulk location type.

Therefore, if an outbound advice is generated for an item with a package definition, LN strictly adheres to the location type that is specified for the package definition level.

This prevents, for example, that pieces and small boxes are picked from pallets in bulk locations. And bulk locations consequently continue to act as bulk locations.

If this check box is cleared, and an outbound advice is generated, the location type of the package definition level acts as the preferred location type. LN first checks locations on the availability of inventory for the location type of the package definition level. If no inventory is available for the preferred location type, or not enough, LN checks the other location type on the availability of inventory.

Minimal Picks

If this check box is selected, and an outbound advice is generated, LN searches for the minimum number of picks needed to get the quantity specified on an order line. For this purpose, LN searches for the largest stock point. If the entire quantity cannot be picked from the largest stock point, LN moves on to the second largest stock point, and so on, until the entire quantity is picked.

For example, sales order 27500157 lists 15 items VIN. Item VIN is lot controlled and stored in Warehouse WH00131:



As a result, in the Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session, LN generates the following outbound advice for sales order 27500157:



The Generate Outbound Advice (whinh4201m000) session advises the quantity based on the setting of the warehouse parameter Outbound Method in the Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000) session and inventory handling parameter Minimal Picks in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session. The FIFO/LIFO dates have higher priority and overrule the minimal picks functionality. The minimal picks functionality is based on quantities. LN first sorts the stock points based on the outbound priority LIFO/FIFO and then uses the Minimal Picks parameter. LN searches for stock points with Last/First inventory dates first and after that selects the largest stock points to minimize the picked items units.

Note: Handling units are always selected using minimal picks. In this case also the outbound priority LIFO/FIFO is higher than the Minimal Picks.

If this check box is cleared, the FIFO/LIFO date overrules the quantity. This can result in more picks for each order line than the minimal picks. For items that have the same FIFO/LIFO date, LN orders the quantities starting with the smallest quantity.

Check Shipping Constraint during Release Advice

The setting of this check box determines how LN handles the outbound movement of sales order lines for which value Ship Set Complete, Ship Kit Complete, or Ship Order Complete is selected in the Shipping Constraint field of the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

If this check box is selected, outbound advice is generated but not released until inventory for all order lines is present, even if outbound advice is set to automatic release in the applicable warehousing procedure. However, if at this point the inventory is insufficient to fulfil the order, LN deletes the just generated outbound advice for all order lines.

For value Ship Kit Complete, LN advises quantities that make up complete subkits. Any remaining quantities are not advised. For more information, refer to Overview of kit handling in Warehouse Management.

In this way, the inventory is available for other orders comprising lower quantities.

If this check box is cleared, outbound advice is generated and released. Before confirming the related shipment lines, LN checks if:

  • For all order lines shipment lines are present.
  • For each shipment line, the available inventory is sufficient. If there is inventory shortage, the shipment lines cannot be confirmed until replenishment has taken place.

    This may result in numerous shipments waiting at the staging area until the warehouse is replenished. If this is a likely scenario, you may consider selecting this check box.

Allow Changes to Confirmed Load/Shipments

If this check box is selected, LN allows addition of shipment lines to shipments and shipments to loads for loads and shipments with status Confirmed.

Suppress Backflushing Orders

If this check box is selected, blocked and shipped backflushing orders are suppressed. These orders are not displayed in the Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session.

Automatic Recalculation of Excess and ATT Inventory

If this check box is selected, LN automatically recalculates the inventory in excess and available to transfer (ATT) when an outbound advice is created or when a cycle counting order or an adjustment order is processed.

Shipping Options
Shipment History

If this check box is selected, shipment history is stored in, for example, the Shipments History (whinh4550m000) session. Every time a shipment header, shipment line, or shipment load is created, modified, or removed, LN creates a shipment history line.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Projected Shipments in use

If this check box is selected, the shipments can be generated with the Status, Projected at an early stage in the warehouse outbound procedure. When this parameter is implemented, projected shipments functionality can be activated at the order type level. LN also allows you to define if projected shipments can be generated automatically when an outbound order line is created.


This is a read-only field in case projected shipping containers/ loads/ shipments/ shipment lines already exist.

By default, this field is cleared. When, however, projected shipments exist or when order types exist that have this checkbox selected, this check box cannot be modified.

Shipping Containers in use

If this check box is selected, you can maintain shipping containers in the following sessions:

  • Shipping Containers (whinh4125m000)
  • Move Shipment to Shipping Containers (whinh4125m100)
  • Shipping Container (whinh4625m000)

Related topics

Shipment Acceptance in use

If this check box is selected, the shipment acceptance functionality is activated for the current company.


By default, this check box is cleared. If this check box is cleared, the shipment acceptance functionality is invisible for the user.

Calculate Additional Costs for Shipments

If this check box is selected, LN allows the handling of additional cost lines on shipments. By default, the check box is cleared. For more information, refer to Additional costs in Warehousing


Warehousing calculates additional costs for shipment only when you set the Calculate Additional Costs For field to Shipments in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.

Consolidate Stock Points in one Shipment Line

If this check box is selected, the outbound advices of the same order line having different stock point details are consolidated into a single shipment line.

The outbound advices for an outbound order line are consolidated into one shipment line, even if the outbound advices contain one or more:

If this check box is cleared, the stock point details of an individual outbound advice for an outbound order line are displayed for a shipment line.

You can view the consolidated stock point details linked to the shipment line in the Shipment Line Stock Point Details (whinh4133m000) session.

Check as-built serials

Indicates whether LN checks for as-built serials, and, if so, the action taken.

Print Storage Conditions - Outbound
Item/Item Group Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Item/Item Group Storage Conditions on documents/reports that belong to the outbound procedure.

Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the Warehouse/Location Storage Conditions on documents/reports that belong to the outbound procedure.

Export Compliance Provider
Export Compliance Provider

Indicates whether export compliance is in use.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts in Warehousing.

Update Deliveries
Update Sales Deliveries

Indicates how LN updates sales orders after the shipments based on the sales orders are confirmed.

This option allows you to split up the process of confirming a shipment line and updating the originating sales order into two separate processes.

By default, this is a single process: after confirming the shipment line, LN queries the shipment table and updates the originating sales order with the confirmed shipment data.

If you split up this process, after confirming the shipment line, LN stores the confirmed shipment data in the Deliveries (whinh4139m000) session. Next, LN updates the originating sales order with the data from the Deliveries (whinh4139m000) session. This is done either automatically or by batch.

The advantage of splitting up this process is that the transaction time is reduced by up to 50%. This is because the table behind the Deliveries (whinh4139m000) session is much smaller than its counterpart of the Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session. Consequently, only a small process table with a limited number of records is queried instead of the much larger shipment lines table.

Allowed values

  • Direct
    LN confirms the shipment and updates the originating sales order in a single process. After confirming a shipment, LN automatically updates the originating sales order. This is the default value.
  • Batch
    Confirming the shipment and updating the originating sales order are carried out as separate processes. After the shipments are confirmed, the Update Deliveries (whinh4239m000) batch session is run to update the sales orders with the confirmed shipment data.
  • Decoupled
    Confirming the shipment and updating the originating sales order are carried out as separate processes. After confirming a shipment, LN stores the confirmed shipment data in the Deliveries (whinh4139m000) session. Next, LN updates the originating sales order without any user intervention.

Options Batch and Decoupled are only available if the originating sales order:

  • Is not a collect order. Collect orders require an automatic and immediate update of shipment information.
  • Is not a return order. The return order flow is different from the regular sales order flow. In addition, the transaction volume is relatively low.
  • Does not contain BOM’s. Shipments including BOM items must be processed automatically to avoid retrieval of incorrect cost of goods sold.

Performance aspects

Using this field may affect system performance. For more information, refer to Update deliveries.

Load Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate load numbers.


The series used to generate load numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Shipment Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate shipment numbers.

Series for Inbound

The series used to generate:


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Series for Outbound

The series used to generate:


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Shipment Length

The parameter which determines the number of digits that are present in a shipment number generated by the first free number mechanism of LN.

You can increase or decrease the length of the shipment number. If you change the shipment length, the modified setting applies only to the new shipments that LN creates. For more information, refer to Length of ASN Number.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of:

Inventory Consumption Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate numbers for sales orders with origin Sales (Manual) and shipments, that both represent inventory consumptions.

These numbers are shown in the Order and the Shipment field of the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session and the Order field of the Inventory Consumptions (whina1514m000) session.


The series used to generate sales orders with origin Sales (Manual) and shipments, that both represent inventory consumptions.

These numbers are shown in the Order and the Shipment field of the Item - Warehouse - Inventory Transactions (whinr1510m000) session and the Order field of the Inventory Consumptions (whina1514m000) session.

Shipping Documents
Print Cost/Service Item on Packing Slip
Print Cost/Service Item on Packing Slip

Indicates which nonphysical item types are printed in the Print Packing Slips (whinh4475m000) session.

Print Manufactured Item or Components on Packing Slip
Print Manufactured Item or Components on Packing Slip

Indicates whether the main item, the components or both will be printed on the packing slip when a manufactured item is sold.

If the Inventory Handling field in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session is set to Components, and you choose Components, the BOM components are printed on the packing slip.

Print Cost/Service Item on Delivery Note
Print Cost/Service Item on Delivery Note

Indicates whether, or which, non-physical item types are printed in the Print Delivery Notes (whinh4477m000) session for delivery notes created for shipment lines that were created automatically. For manually created shipment lines, service and/or cost items are always printed on the delivery note.

Related topics

Print Manufactured Item or Components on Delivery Notes
Print Manufactured Item or Components on Delivery Note

Indicates whether the main item, the components or both will be printed on the delivery note when a manufactured item is sold.

If the Inventory Handling field in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session is set to Components, and you choose Components, the BOM components are printed on the delivery note.

Related topics

Delivery Note Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate preliminary delivery note numbers. The final delivery note number is generated when the first shipment line of the shipment allocated to the delivery note is confirmed.


The series used to generate preliminary delivery note numbers. The final delivery note number is generated when the first shipment line of the shipment allocated to the delivery note is confirmed.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Format of Delivery Note Number
Format of Delivery Note Number

The format in which the final delivery note number is printed. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Delivery Note Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate final delivery note numbers. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.


The series used to generate final delivery note numbers. For more information, refer to Delivery Note.

Cost/Service Item on Shipping Manifest

LN allows you to print neither, both or any of the cost and service items on the shipping manifest.

Change Orders
Inventory Ownership Change Order History

If this check box is selected, history data is stored for ownership change orders.

You can view the history data in the Inventory Ownership Change Orders History (whinh1550m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Inventory Ownership Change Order Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate ownership change order numbers.


The series used to generate ownership change order numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of ownership change order lines.

Inventory Ownership Change

The default reason code for ownership change orders. The reason code for inventory ownership change orders is defaulted in the Inventory Ownership Change Orders (whinh1100m000) session.

Allocation Change

The default reason code for allocation change orders. The reason code for allocation change orders is defaulted in the Allocation Change Orders (whinh1120m000) session.

Cost Peg Transfers
Cost Peg Transfers
Number Group

The code of the number group used for cost peg transfers.


The description or name of the code.


The code of the series used for cost peg transfers.

Step Size

The step size between the cost peg transfer lines.

Cost Peg Transfer History

The history data for the cost peg transfers.

Adjustment Orders
Adjustment Orders History

If this check box is selected, history data is stored for adjustment orders.

If you run the Remove Processed Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5271m000) session, all processed order lines are stored in history. You can view the history in the Adjustment Orders History (whinh5570m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Adjustment Order Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate adjustment order numbers.


The series used to generate adjustment order numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of adjustment order lines.

Cycle Counting
Maximum Number of Recounts

The maximum number of recounts permitted for one cycle-count order.

A recount can be scheduled:

  • When you enter the counted inventory in the Enter Cycle Counting Results (whinh5101m100) session.
  • As a result of the approval process.
Block During Warehouse Cycle Counting

If this check box is selected, inventory is blocked when cycle-count orders are present. The inventory is blocked between the time that you create cycle-count orders and the time that you process your counting results.

To prevent mistakes, you must block the inventory during cycle counting.

Cycle Count Consignment Warehouses

If this check box is selected, cycle-count orders are also generated for warehouses of type Consignment (Not Owned) or Consignment (Owned).

On New Stock Point

If this check box is selected, a cycle count is scheduled every time a new stockpoint is added. If you run the Process Cycle Counting/Adjustment Orders (whinh5201m000) session, this stock point is added to a counting list.

If this check box is cleared, no cycle count is scheduled if a stock point is added. The stock point is added to a counting list after the counting interval, as defined for the item's classification, has expired.

If Inventory becomes Zero

Indicates the value based on which the cycle counting data must be processed if the registered inventory of a stock point becomes zero.

The following cycle counting values are available:

  • Forced Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is maintained.

    Use the option to force cycle counts for a stock point, if its system inventory becomes zero. If you select the value Forced Cycle Count, the Force Cycle Count check box in the Cycle Counting Data (whinh5140m000) session is automatically set to selected.

  • Regular Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is maintained.

    Use the option to cycle count based on the cycle count interval specified in the Counting Interval in Weeks group box.

  • No Cycle Count: The existing cycle counting data is removed if no active cycle counting order is present for the stock point.

    Use the option to remove the cycle count data of a zero stock point. The cycle count data is removed when the record in the Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000) session is deleted.

The default value for the field is No Cycle Count.

Count all Stock Points for Item

If this check box is selected, and you run the Generate Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5200m000) session, LN generates cycle counting orders for all the stock points of an item in case one or several of the stock points of this item must be counted.

Cycle Counting Orders History

If this check box is selected, history data is stored for cycle-count orders.

If you run the Remove Processed Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5251m000) session, all processed order lines are stored in history. You can view the history data in the Cycle Counting Orders History (whinh5550m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to History data

Reason for Reconciliation

The reason explaining why a cycle counting order is used to reconcile the inventory levels of the administrative warehouse with those of the "real" warehouse. The reason code is displayed on the reconciliation cycle counting order in the Reason for Variance field of the Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000) session. This field is mandatory if LN subscribes to BODs of type InventoryCount.

Allowed values

Reason codes of type Cycle Counting.


If the customer performs inventory management in his warehouse and the supplier performs supply planning or owns the inventory, the customer sends a Business Object Document (BOD) message to the supplier informing him of any changes in the inventory levels.

The supplier's ERP system compares the inventory levels listed in the received message with the inventory levels in the supplier's administrative warehouse and processes the differences using cycle count orders for which the Reconciliation check box is selected in the Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5100m000) session.

Alternatively, the supplier performs inventory management and the customer plans or owns the inventory, in which case the customer reconciles the inventory levels of the administrative warehouse which reflects the supplier's "real" warehouse.

Automatic Processing of Reconciliation Orders

If this check box is selected, cycle counting orders generated for incoming InventoryCount messages are automatically processed. For these cycle counting orders, the Reconciliation check box is selected in the Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5100m000) session.

Cycle Counting Approval

Value Counted- Lower Class A/B/C

The amount that indicates how much the total cost-price value of the counted inventory of a class A, B or C item can deviate from the cost-price value of the registered inventory if the counted inventory is less than the registered inventory.

If the deviation is more than the value defined here, the cycle-count order line must be approved in the Approve Cycle Counting Variances (whinh5801m000) session.

Value Counted- Higher Class A/B/C

The amount that indicates how much the total cost-price value of the counted inventory of a class A, B or C item can deviate from the cost-price value of the registered inventory if the counted inventory is greater than the registered inventory.

If the deviation is more than the value defined here, the cycle-count order line must be approved in the Approve Cycle Counting Variances (whinh5801m000) session.

Percentage Counted- Lower Class A/B/C

The maximum allowed shortage of the counted inventory of an A, B or C item, measured against the item's registered inventory, and expressed as a percentage of the registered inventory.

If the shortage is more than the percentage defined here, the cycle-count order line must be approved in the Approve Cycle Counting Variances (whinh5801m000) session.

Percentage Counted- Higher Class A/B/C

The maximum allowed surplus of the counted inventory of an A, B or C item, measured against the item's registered inventory, and expressed as a percentage of the registered inventory.

If the surplus is more than the percentage defined here, the cycle-count order line must be approved in the Approve Cycle Counting Variances (whinh5801m000) session.

Cycle Counting Order Numbers
Number Group

The number group used to generate cycle-count order numbers.


The series used to generate cycle-count order numbers.


The series specified here can be overruled by the series specified in the corresponding field of the User Profiles (whwmd1140s000) session.

Step Size

The step size between position numbers of cycle-count order lines.

Counting Interval in Weeks
Counting Interval in Weeks- Class A/B/C

The counting interval in weeks between two subsequent counts of an A, B or C item.

If you run the Generate Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5200m000) session, LN checks whether the last counting date is earlier than the counting interval entered. If this is the case, the stockpoint is added to a counting list, and cycle-count orders are generated.