To create reports


The sections below describe the sessions that you must use to complete the procedure. However, they do not describe all details of these sessions. For detailed session information, refer to the Web Help.

Procedure aim

The aim of this procedure is to create reports for your LN application. Reports are used to print data to the screen, to a printer or to another output device.

Procedure result and prerequisites

Reports to print data from your LN application.


To create reports you need:

  • A development package VRC in which you can create the reports.
  • Developer authorization for the development VRC.
Procedure summary

The following figure shows the procedure steps and the corresponding sessions or programs:

To create reports - procedure flow

To create reports - procedure flow

While not part of the flow, you may also have to edit the program script to complete your report.

Procedure details
Step 1. Create a report or create a session

You can create a new report for an existing print session, or create a new print session with a corresponding report.

To create a report:

  1. Start the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session.
  2. Click New.
  3. You will be asked if you want to start the report generator. Click Yes to start the generator.
    • Note: If you click No, you must create the report manually. In that case, skip the "Generate report" step in this procedure and proceed with the "Edit report" step.

Alternatively, you can also create a report by duplicating an existing report.

To create a new print session:

  1. Start the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session.
  2. Click New. The Sessions (ttadv2100s000) details session starts.
  3. Enter the new session. A print session should have at least these attributes:
    • Session Type: Print
    • Default Button Command Type: Standard Command
    • Default Button:
  4. Save the new session. Do not close the Sessions (ttadv2100s000) details session.
  5. Click Report Generator to start the generator.
Step 2. Generate report

You can generate a (basic) report. Subsequently, you can edit the generated report until the report matches your requirements.

To generate a report:

  1. Start the report generator. You can start the report generator from the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session and from the Sessions (ttadv2100s000) session. See the previous step in this procedure.
  2. Edit the report generator options: You must specify the main table and the fields for the report, and various other attributes, such as the report code, the report size, and the report type. For details refer to the online help of the Report Generator (ttadv3130s100) session.
    • Note: to select fields, you must click Select Fields. The Select Report Fields (ttadv3130s200) session starts. Select the fields you wish to output in the report, and click Save and Close to return to the report generator.
  3. Click Generate. The report is compiled automatically.
Step 3. Edit report

You can now edit the report until it matches your requirements. You can, among other things, add new layouts to the report, edit the layouts in the report editor, change the sorting and/or grouping of records, and create a report script.

For details, refer to To edit reports.

Step 4. Compile

Click Compile in the Reports (ttadv3530m000) session. A Compilation result window opens with the result of the compilation.

Step 5. Link report to session or create and edit form

When you create a new report for an existing print session, you must link the report to that session.

To link a report to an existing session:

  1. In the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session, select the session you wish to link the report to.
  2. On the appropriate menu, click Reports.... The Reports (ttadv3530m000) session starts.
  3. On the appropriate menu, click Link Report to Session. The Add Report to Session (ttadv2112s000) session starts.
  4. Specify the Report Group, the Serial Number, and the report code you wish to link to the session. For details, refer to the Web Help.
  5. Click OK. The report is now displayed in the reports list for the session.
  6. Exit the Reports session.
  7. In the Sessions (ttadv2500m000) session, click Compile. This action converts the new session structure to the runtime dictionary.

When you create a new report as part of a new print session, the report is automatically linked to the new session. Before you can print the new report, you must create a form for the new print session. For details, refer to To create a form for a print session.