Work Order Activities (tswcs2110m000)

Use this session to maintain work order activities. Work order activities can be based on the reference activities that are defined in the Activity Management module. If you do not use reference activities, you can identify the work order activity with a description.

You can select a single reference activity, a master routing, a routing option, or an operation to plan and carry out maintenance on a (serialized) item. The master routing, routing option, and operation are identified by a reference activity.

You can modify the default data that you defined for the reference activity in the Activity Management module, for example, activity duration, required materials, required hours, or required tools. The default transaction time for a new work order activity is the current time. The transaction time is also used to identify the version of the reference activities.

In this session you can:

  • Modify the planning times of the activity.
  • Enter the actual times.
  • Enter the actual result of an inspection.
  • Add a routing to the work order activity line.
  • Add resource requirements to a work order activity.

You can add activities to a work order during the work order's planning phase, during the work orders preparation phase, and during the execution phase. The work order status must be Free, Planned, or Released. You cannot add activities to subcontracted work orders that have the Released status.

Integration with Infor LN Quality

Infor LN allows you to create non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Create Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can create the report for the service object.

Infor LN allows you to link non-conformance reports for service objects, using the Link Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu. The Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be linked to the service object.

You can use the Unlink Non-Conformance Report option on the Action menu to unlink the Non-Conformance report. The Related Orders - Non-Conformance Reports (tsmdm4500m100) session is invoked, wherein you can select the report to be unlinked.

  • These non-conformance report options are visible only if the Non-Conformance Reports check box is selected in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.
  • The Create Non-Conformance Report option is enabled only if the Item is specified for the service object.


Work Order

The series code that identifies the work order.

You can define the series for the work order number group in the First Free Numbers (tcmcs0150m000) session. The number group for work orders is set in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.

Work Order

The work order description is selected in the following order:

  1. The description of the service type.
  2. The description of the serialized item.
  3. The description of the item.
  4. The label description.
Work Order Status

The current status of the work order. The work order status is used to control the various phases of the work order process.

You can change the work order status at any time if the status is Free or Planned. After the work order is released, all work order activities must be completed before the work order can be updated to the next status.

Work Order/ Work Order Activity Status


The item or serialized item on which maintenance must be carried out.


The item description.

Serial Number

The serial number of the serialized item.

Activity Line

The activity line represents the reference activity or master routing that must be carried out for the work order. The activity line is identified by a sequence number.

Activity Line

The current status of the work order activity. The work order activity status is used to control the various phases of the work order activity process.

The work order activities have an activity status that is related to the work order status. The following table lists the possible activity status values for each work order value.

Order statusActivity status
PlannedFree, Planned, Canceled
ReleasedFree, Planned, Released, Completed, Signed-off, Closed, Canceled
CompletedCompleted, Signed-off, Closed, Canceled
Signed-offSigned-off, Closed, Canceled


You can change the work order status at any time if the status is Free or Planned. After the work order is released, all work order activities must be completed before the work order can be updated to the next status.

Master Routing

The reference activity that identifies the master routing, and is selected from the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.

  • If the work order's item is serialized, the item's serial number must be within the master routing's serialized item ranges.
  • The service department that is specified on the work order header must be linked to the activity group that is linked to the reference activity in the Activity Management module.
  • The master routing is used if the Use Master Routing check box is selected in Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session.
Sequence Number

The sequence number of the work order's activity.

Reference Activity

The reference activity that must be carried out. You can enter a single reference activity or the reference activity that is specified for an operation in the master routing.

  • If a main service department must carry out the work order, you can only select reference activities that are defined for the item that must be maintained and for the main service department in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.
  • You cannot modify the reference activity if the activity status is Released, Completed, Signed-Off, Closed, or Canceled.
  • If the Reference Activity Mandatory check box in the Work Order Parameters (tswcs0100m000) session is selected, the reference activity must be filled in.
  • The serialized item must belong to the serialized item ranges that are defined for the reference activity in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.
Effective Time

The first date and time when the reference activity becomes valid.


The effective time and expiry time are defined in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session and are change controlled.

Expiry Time

The first date and time when the reference activity is no longer valid.


The effective time and expiry time are defined in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session and are change controlled.


The description of the work order activity. If you do not use reference activities from the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session, you can manually enter a description to identify the work order activity.


If you have entered a reference activity, the reference activity description is selected from the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.

Search Argument

The work order activities search argument. The search argument is derived from the description.

Maintained Quantity

The number of maintained items/parts which went successfully through one or all steps of the work order process.


The inventory unit of the item that is maintained (or to be maintained).

Work Center

The work center in which the work order activities are carried out.

You can link the reference activity's activity group to the work center:

  • When you define a reference activity in the Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000) session.

For example, cleaning activities that belong to the Cleaning activity group must be carried out in a work center where cleaning equipment is available.


The checklist that can be used to carry out the work order activities.

Finding Reason

The code that identifies the result of the inspection.

Findings Text

If this check box is selected, a text was added to the finding reason.

Related topics

Signed-off By

The service employee who signs off the activity. The employee must possess the required sign-off skills.

Signed-off Time

The date and time when the activity status was changed to Signed-Off.

Earliest Start

The earliest time when you can start to carry out the work order activity.

The default value for the first work order activity is equal to the work order's earliest start time. For subsequent work order activities, the following formula is used to calculate the earliest start time (EST):

 EST current activity = EST previous activity + duration previous activity 
Latest Finish

The latest time when you can finish carrying out the work order activity.

The default value for the last work order activity is equal to the work order's latest finish time. For previous work order activities, the following formula is used to calculate the latest finish time (LFT):

 LFT previous activity = LFT next activity - duration next activity 

If this check box is selected, an appointment exists for the work order activity, and you can only modify the earliest start time and the latest finish time in the Appointments (tsmdm0123m000) session.


The checkbox is cleared when the ATP check is performed and there is a changed in the planned start time.

Related topics

Queue Time

The default planned queue time is equal to the work center's queue time. The work center's queue time is defined in the Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000) session.

Queue Time

The unit in which the time duration is expressed. The duration time unit is defined in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Setup Time

The planned setup time for the work order activity. The setup time is expressed in the unit of time duration that is defined in the General Service Parameters (tsmdm0100m000) session.

Labor Run Time

The planned labor run time is expressed in the unit of time duration parameter.

Machine Run Time

The planned machine run time is expressed in the unit of time duration parameter.

Activity Duration

The order activity duration is the sum of the setup time and the run time. You can enter the machine run time and the labor run time. The largest of both run times is used to calculate the order activity duration.


The setup time for an order activity is one hour. During the setup time, the maintenance employee prepares the order. The machine run time is three hours. During the first hour of the machine run time, the maintenance employee keeps the machine in operation.

Setup time1
Machine run time3
Labor run time2


Resulting order activity duration: 4 hours (setup time + machine run time)


The planned time to start to carry out the work order activity. The planned start time can be (re)calculated based on the order activity duration and the planned finish time. Click Determine Start to (re)calculate the planned start time based on a calendar.


The planned start time must be:

  • Equal to or after the earliest start time.
  • Equal to or before the latest finish time.

The planned time at which you must finish the work order activities. The planned finish time can be (re)calculated based on the order activity duration and the planned start time. Click Determine Finish to (re)calculate the planned finish time based on a calendar.


The planned finish time must be:

  • Equal to or after the earliest start time.
  • Equal to or before the latest finish time.

The date and time when work on the work order activity started.


The date and time when work on the work order activity was finished.

No. 1

A subset of master routing. A predefined set of operations that can be carried out. Each operation is identified by a unique sequence number.

Coverage Type

The coverage type for the work order activity is used to cover the general work order activity costs in Financials.


You cannot change the coverage type after you book the actual costs in Financials. However, you can change the coverage type for WIP costs that are booked in Financials.


The maintenance sales order quotation that is linked to the work order.

Quotation Line

The maintenance sales order quotation line that is linked to the work order activity.


If this check box is selected, the activity of the work order is sub contracted.

Inventory Check Status

The overall inventory status for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Allowed values

Inventory Status

ATP Inventory Available

Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the activity is available, calculated by the ATP check.

Available Date

Latest ATP Date for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Checked On Date

Latest ATP Check On Date for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Planned Inventory Available

Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the activity is available, calculated by the Planned inventory check.

Available Date

Latest Planned Available Date for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Checked On Date

Latest Planned Check On Date for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

On Hand Inventory Available

Indicates if the inventory for all the material lines belonging to the activity is available, calculated by the On Hand inventory check.

Checked On Date

Latest On Hand Check On Date for all the material lines belonging to the activity.

Material Issue Constraint

The level at which, the material lines must be shipped completely.

  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session.
  • This field is disabled if:
    • The Status of the Activity Line is set to Completed.
    • For a Released Activity Line, a related warehouse order exists, that cannot be modified.
Buy-from Business Partner

The code that identifies the buy-from business partner if the work order activity is carried out by a third party.


This field is applicable and mandatory if:

  • the Create Purchase Requisition check box is not selected.
  • the Subcontracted check box is selected.
Service/Cost Item

The service to be carried out by a subcontractor.


This field is applicable and mandatory if the Subcontracted check box is selected.

Supply Item to Subcontractor

If this check box is selected, the subcontracted item is supplied to the subcontractor warehouse.

  • This field is applicable only if:
    • the Subcontracting with Material Flow field is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000)
    • the Subcontracted check box is selected.
    • the activity is linked to an outgoing subassembly.
Supply Material to Subcontractor

If this check box is selected, the material is supplied to the subcontractor warehouse.

  • This field is applicable only if:
    • the Subcontracting with Material Flow field is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000)
    • the Subcontracted check box is selected.
Create Purchase Requisition

If this check box is selected, purchase requisition can be generated as the subcontractor is not identified for the activity.

  • This field is applicable only if:
    • the Subcontracted check box is selected.
    • the value in the Subcontractor field is not specified.
  • When the Supply Item to Subcontractor check box is cleared, Infor LN checks for the cost item in Items – Purchase, whether a requisition is mandatory. When mandatory, this check box is selected and is a display field.
  • When the Supply Item to Subcontractor check box is selected, Infor LN checks for the outgoing subassembly in Items – Purchase, whether a requisition is mandatory. When mandatory, this check box is selected and is a display field.
Measurement Type

The code of the measurement.


The description or name of the code.


The position ID of the place where the item is located.


The description or name of the code.

Measured On

The date and time when the measurement is performed.

Cancel Reason

The reason for canceling the work order activity.


LN defaults the value in this field from the Cancel Reason field in the Cancel Work Order (tswcs2260m000) session.

Initiate Cancelation

If this check box is selected, the cancellation of a work order activity is initiated.


This check box indicates that the activity is initiated for cancellation and the activity is canceled only after the activity is closed.

Cancel Time

The date and time when the work order activity is canceled.


LN defaults the value in this field from the Cancel Date field in the Cancel Work Order (tswcs2260m000) session.

Assembly Activity

The code of the work order activity that assembles the subassemblies back into a finished item.


Material Resources

Choose this option to add material resources-assemblies to a work order activity.

Determine Start

Calculates the planned start time for the work order activity, based on activity duration, planned finish time, and applicable calendars.

You can calculate the planned start time if the work order activity status is Free, Planned, or Released.

Determine Finish

Use this option to calculate the planned finish time for the work order activity, based on activity duration, planned start time, and applicable calendars.

You can calculate the planned finish time if the work order activity status is Free, Planned, or Released.

Plan Activity

Sets the Activity Status of the selected service order activity to Planned.


Determines the activity duration.

If the Use Master Routing Activity Duration in Depot Repair check box is selected in the Operations (tsacm2100m100) session, the duration of a master routing operation (based on the Type of Duration field in the Operations (tsacm2100m100) session) for depot repair must be considered to determine the duration of the derived work order activity. Else, the duration of the reference activity is used. In case, the duration cannot be determined from operation or reference activity, the duration is determined using:

Example: (Machine Runtime or the Labor Runtime (higher of the two) x Maintainable Quantity) + Set-up Time.