Order and Activity based Pricing (Field Service)

In the field service module; for the service order and the service activity:

Fixed Order / Activity prices from Reference Activity, Master Routing or Routing Option

To default a Fixed Order Price for the (entire) service order, the Master Routing and the Routing Option fields are specified on the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session. To default the Fixed Activity Price, Reference Activity is available on the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session.

If a contract is linked to the order or the activity for which Fixed Prices and Time and Material is not defined, Infor LN searches for the fixed sales price, based on master routing, routing option or reference activity. If specified, the Pricing Method for the order or activity is set to Fixed Order Price/ Fixed Activity Price.

Additional activities

You can add the activities that have Pricing Method set to Time and Material or Fixed Activity Price to the Service Order Activities (tssoc2110m000) session even if the Pricing Method is set to Fixed Order Price in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.

The total service order amount can be a combination of Fixed Order Price, Fixed Activity Price and Time and Material prices. To specify this amount, Estimated Order Amount and the Actual Order Amount are introduced in the service order (header) sessions.

Fixed Repair Price for installation

You can setup installation based fixed prices at the order and activity level. For each reference activity, master routing, routing option or installation, a fixed order or an activity price is specified. The price is based on the value specified in the Price Level field in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session.

Price Origin

If a pricing contract is linked to the order (header) or the activity and the sales price is retrieved from that contract, the Price Origin is set to Service Contract in the Service Orders (tssoc2100m000) session.


If the sales price is retrieved from the master routing, the Price Origin is set to Service Contract.

If the sales price is retrieved from a reference activity, master routing or routing option, the Price Origin is set to Reference Activity or Master Routing or Routing Option.

In all the other scenarios, the Price Origin is set to Other. If the price is modified manually, the Price Origin is set to Manual.

Fixed Order or Fixed Activity Price editing

You can specify the Sales Price in the service order header and activity sessions, allowing the user to modify the price from the service order and activity.

Service Order Online Margin Control

In the Service Order Online Margin Control (tssoc4500m000) session, the Fixed Order Price is displayed with the Cost Type set to Order and fixed activity prices is displayed with Cost Type set to Activity. This data is included in the report printed using the Print Service Order Online Margin (tssoc4400m000) session.