Order and Activity based Pricing (Contract (quotation) configuration lines)

The Time and Material and the Fixed Prices check boxes are included in the contract configuration sessions.

  • Fixed order and Fixed activity prices

    You can access the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session using the Fixed Price Terms option from the Action menu in the Contract Quotation Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m200) session. This session is used to specify fixed order and fixed activity sales prices. The sales prices can be defined for specific reference activities, master routings and/or routing options. This session is also used to specify fixed order and/or fixed activity prices for an installation. This session is available only if the Fixed Prices check box is selected on the configuration line.

    This new session is included as a satellite to the Service Contract Configuration (tsctm1610m300) session and can be accessed using the Fixed Price Terms option from the Action menu in the Contract Configuration Lines (tsctm1110m300) session. Note: This session is available only if the Fixed Prices check box is selected on the configuration line.

    This option and the session is not visible if the Use Prices in Service Contracts check box is not selected in the Contract Management Parameters (tsctm0100m000) session.

    In this session, fixed sales price can be defined for multiple objects.

    The Price Level can be set to Reference Activity, Master Routing or Routing Option to define a fixed order/activity price for a reference activity, master routing and/or routing option.

    The Price Level options, Any Order and Any Activity are used to define a fixed price for an installation. These prices are used as fixed order or fixed activity price on the objects that have the same installation as defined on the configuration line. These fixed prices are also used for all the reference activities or master routing/options for which specific fixed prices are not defined.

  • Contract Linking and (fixed) sales price search logic

    The pricing contracts can be linked to a service orders, service order activities and part maintenance lines, based on the Time and Material and the Fixed Prices.

    You can specify both, however, Infor LN searches for the Fixed Prices first.

    If the installation of the related object is the same as the configuration line and the Fixed Prices checkbox is selected, Infor LN checks for the Fixed Price Terms, specified in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session.

    Infor LN searches for the fixed price (fixed order price or fixed activity price) based on the reference activity, master routing and routing option. If a Fixed Order Price or Fixed Activity Price is available, the Pricing Method for the related object is set to Fixed Order Price or Fixed Activity Price. The sales price is defaulted from the pricing term and the pricing contract is linked to the related object.

    If the fixed price is not available, and the Time and Material check box is selected, the pricing contract is linked and the Pricing Method for the related object is set to Time and Material.

Service Contract (Quotation) Processing

When a service contract or a contract quotation is processed, the Fixed Price Terms are also considered. The pricing information is also copied at the time of creating a contract change, and is printed at the time of printing the contract. The data in the Fixed Price Terms (tsctm1111m000) session is copied to the Fixed Price Terms - History (tsctm8521m000) session.