Order and Activity based Pricing (Reference Activities, Master Routing and Routing Options)

For an installation, the fixed contract price defined for an order can be different from the fixed contract price defined for the activity. The fixed sales price is used for the maintenance activities. In addition to this fixed sales price, the sales price additional costs, such as material, labour and other expenses can be charged.

Fixed contract price defined for an installation must not be applied to both, orders and activities. Therefore, there must be a clear distinction between the configuration lines, for which activity price is defined and the lines for which a fixed order price is defined.

The ‘Fixed Repair Price’ option for the Pricing Method is renamed to Fixed Activity Price and the value, Fixed Order Price is introduced. The values for the Pricing Method are:

  • Time and Material
  • Fixed Order Price
  • Fixed Activity Price
  • Not Applicable
Reference Activities, Master Routing and Routing Options

You can set the Fixed Activity and Fixed Order sales price in the reference activities, master routings and routing options.


The Fixed Activity Price can be defined using reference activities only. The Fixed Order Price can be defined using master routing and routing options only.

You can define the sales prices for the orders/activities, reference activities, master routings and routing options using the Use Fixed Price check box and Sales Price field.

If the Use Fixed Price check box is selected and the reference activity, master routing or routing option are used for a service order, service order activity or part maintenance line; the Pricing Method is set to Fixed Order Price or Fixed Activity Price and the sales price specified is considered as the ‘fixed’ (default) sales price.

By default, the Use Fixed Price check box is cleared. Effectively, the Pricing Method for the related objects, by default, is always set to Time and Material.

  • Sales Price

    If the Use Fixed Price check box is selected, you must specify the Sales Price and the Currency. To have an indication of the sales price, the Calculated Sales Price field is included.

    • For a reference activity, the Calculated Sales Price is calculated based on the sales price and the quantities of all the related resource requirements.
    • For a master routing, the Calculated Sales Price is the total of the sales prices of all the related reference activities. The calculated sales price for a routing option is the total of the sales prices of the selected reference activities of the routing option.
  • Estimated Sales Price

    The calculated sales price of a reference activity is the total of the estimated sales price of the resource requirements. To indicate the sales price for each reference activity resource requirement, the Estimated Sales Price field is included in the Resource Requirements (tsacm2120m000) session. The Estimated Sales Price is the product of quantity and the calculated price for the item, labor rate, tool and so on.

    This estimated sales price is included to provide an indication of the expected price only. As the business partner or the other order related information is not available for the reference activity; the estimated price determined for the activity can differ from the price specified for the order.

    These sales prices (of the order and the activity) can be expressed in different currency, therefore recalculation is required during aggregation.

    The currency is defaulted with the local currency and is mandatory when a sales price is entered. The system date is used to retrieve the price and currency information. The sales 'exchange rate type' is used for currency conversion, if required.