Coverage Lines (tsmsc1120m000)

Use this session to view or modify coverage lines. You can also use this session to view the GST related tax details. Infor LN defaults this data only if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, else, the excise/VAT details are defaulted.

On the appropriate menu you can choose Cost to set the status of the selected coverage line to Costed.

  • If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.
  • You can only modify cost lines if the status of the coverage line is Free.
  • When a work order is closed, the application creates the coverage lines for the material resources with the default tax details.


Maintenance Sales Order

The number of the maintenance sales order.

Maintenance Sales Order
Order Line

The sequence number of the order line.

Coverage Line

The sequence number of the coverage line.

Coverage Line Type

The type of the coverage line.

Cost Type

Categories that are used to register the type of costs. Cost types enable you to have a more detailed view of the source of costs.


The item code of the serialized item.

Serial Number

The serial number of the serialized item.

Effectivity Unit
Consumed Quantity

The quantity of item, skill, other, resource, cost actually used.

Sales Price

The agreed price for the maintenance work. For sale of replacements, this field indicates the sales price of the item.

Sales Price

The currency in which the sales price is expressed.


The surcharge applicable for the sales price.


The currency in which the surcharge is expressed.

Cost Price

The cost price for the maintenance work. For sale of replacements, this field indicates the cost price of the item.

Cost Price

The currency in which the cost price is expressed.


The surcharge applicable for the cost price.


The currency in which the surcharge is expressed.

Coverage Type

A financial classification that indicates to what extent work is covered under warranty or contract, and what part of the activities can be charged.

Cost Component

The cost component to which the costs are attributed.


Cost components are defined in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.

Labor Type Sales

The labor type for cost type Labor.

Total Sales Amount

The total sales amount.


Sales amounts are expressed in the sales currency defined on the maintenance sales order.

Repair Warr.

If this check box is selected, a repair warranty is applicable.

Repair Warr.

If the MSO line is covered by a repair warranty and the Repair Warranty check box is selected, the sales amount covered by the repair warranty is displayed here.


If you clear the Repair Warranty check box and save the cost line, this field is set to zero (0), which skips the repair warranty's coverage of the cost line.

By default the coverage given is 100%. The user has the option to change the coverage amount.


If this check box is selected, it indicates a warranty coverage is applicable.


The sales amount covered under the applicable warranty.


If this check box is selected, it indicates service contract coverage is applicable.


The sales amount covered under the applicable service contract.

Goodwill Sales Amount

The sales amount that is specified as coverage under goodwill. This amount is on and above other coverages.

Invoice Amount

The invoiceable amount.

Invoice Sales Amount

The amount to be invoiced, after deducting the coverage amounts from the total amount.


Sales amounts are expressed in the sales currency defined on the maintenance sales order.

Total Cost Amount

The total cost amount.

  • The total cost amount cannot be altered if the coverage line refers to a work order cost line.
  • The cost amounts are expressed in the home currencies of the sales office defined on the order header.
Repair Warr.

This amount is calculated as a proportion of the repair warranty sales amount based on the ratio of the total sales and total cost amounts:

repair wrty cost amount = repair wrty sales amount * (total costs / total sales)

This amount is calculated as a proportion of the warranty sales amount based on the ratio of total sales and total cost amounts:

warranty cost amount = wrty sales amount * (total costs / total sales )

This amount is calculated as a proportion of the contract sales amount based on the ratio of total sales and total cost amounts:

contract cost amount = contr sales amount * (total costs / total sales) 

The cost amount calculated as goodwill costs. This amount is calculated as a proportion of the Goodwill Sales amount based on the ratio of Total Sales Amount and Total Cost Amount.

Invoice Cost Amount

This amount is calculated as a proportion of the invoice sales amount based on the ratio of total sales and total cost amounts:

invoice cost amount = invoice sales amount * (total costs / total sales)

Cost amounts are expressed in the home currency of the service office defined on the maintenance sales order.

Invoice Amount

The invoiceable amount.

Discount Amount

The discount given to a business partner, calculated by unit and expressed as a value. For instance, 3 euro.

Net Sales Amount

The net invoice amount after discount.

Print On Invoice

Determines whether zero invoice amounts are printed on the invoice.

Select one of the following:

  • Yes
    The zero amount line will be printed on the invoice.
  • No
    The zero amount line will not be printed on the invoice.
  • Not Applicable
    LN will give precedence to the option set in the Suppress Zero Amounts field on the Print Options tab of the Billing Request Addition (cisli1120s000) session in Invoicing.

For any non-zero invoice amount, this field will be unavailable and display Not Applicable.


The date on which the invoice is printed.


A company that is used for posting financial data in Financials. You can link one or more enterprise units from multiple logistic companies to one financial company.


The kind of invoice. Each Operations Management package has its own types of invoices.


The corresponding transaction number retrieved from Invoicing.

Posting Date

The date the invoice is posted to Financials.

Tax Country

The tax country code.

Tax Code

The tax code that identifies the tax rate and determines how the application calculates and registers tax amounts.

  • If the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, Infor LN defaults the tax code applicable for the address at which the goods are delivered.
  • The tax code must be an aggregate tax code.
Registration Number Sequence(Own)

The tax registration number assigned to your company by the tax authorities.

  • This field is mandatory.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.
  • Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the purchasing organization based on the location(state) of the receiving address.
Registration Number(Own)

The tax registration number corresponding to the sequence number you select in the Registration Number Sequence(Own) field.

Business Partner Tax Country

The tax country of the business partner.


The description or name of the code.

Registration Number Sequence(BP)

The sequence number assigned to your business partner's tax registration number.

  • This field is mandatory.
  • The value in this field is defaulted from the Registration Numbers By Financial Company (tctax9140m00l) session.
  • Infor LN defaults the GSTIN of the supplier based on the location(state) of the ship from address.
Registration Number(BP)

The tax registration number of your business partner corresponding to the sequence number you select in the Registration Number Sequence(BP) field.

BP Tax Number

The tax number of the business partner.

ECC Code

The unique code provided by the excise authorities to the factory or warehouse or dealer dealing with excisable goods.

  • This value is mandatory if the Excise Applicable check box is selected.
  • This value is defaulted based on the item and warehouse and must be validated with the delivery date.
HSN Code
Tax Exemption Certificate

The exemption certificate number if the tax is exempted.

Tax Exemption Reason

The exempt reason code if the tax is exempted.

GST Applicable

If this check box is selected, GST is applicable.


By default this check box is selected, if the GST Implemented check box is selected in the India Localization Parameters (tccom9136m00l) session, and the specified item is not defined in the GST Exception Item List (tccom9135m00l) session.

ASV Origin for GST

The option or method that indicates the origin of the assessable value used to calculate the GST.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

Assessable Value for GST

The assessable value, in the inventory unit.

Taxable ASV for GST

The total assessable value of the item, on which the GST is calculated.

Effective Date for ASV/MRP

The date for which the specific MRP/ASV value is applicable.


By default, this is value is the planned delivery date.

Excise Applicable

If this check box is selected, the aggregate tax code must have at least one tax line corresponding to excise duties.

Item Category

The category of an item.

Allowed values

Item Category

Cenvatable for Excise

If this check box is selected, the item is cenvatable for excise.


This check box is enabled only if the Excise Applicable check box is selected. This value is defaulted from the Item Data for Indian Localization (tcibd9137m00l) session. However, you can modify the value.

ASV Origin for Excise

The origin of the assessable value for excise.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV for Excise

The assessable value of the item for excise.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Excise field.

Discount Perc. for ASV for Excise

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.

  • This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Excise field.
  • This field is enabled and you can specify the value only if the ASV Origin for Excise field is set to Manual.
Taxable ASV for Excise

The assessable value of the item used to calculate excise.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Excise field.


The description or name of the code.

ASV Origin for VAT

The origin of the assessable value for VAT.

Allowed values

ASV Origin


The assessable value of the item.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for VAT field.

Discount Per for ASV for VAT

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for VAT field.

Taxable ASV for VAT

The assessable value of the item used to calculate VAT.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for VAT field.

ASV Origin for Service

The origin of the assessable value for service tax.

Allowed values

ASV Origin

ASV for Service

The assessable value of the item.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Service field.

Discount Perc. for ASV for Service

The percentage of the discount applicable on the assessable value.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Service field.

Taxable ASV for service tax

The assessable value of the item used to calculate the service tax.


This value is defaulted based on the value set in the ASV Origin for Service field.

Work Order

The number of the work order of which the resource/costs are transferred as coverage lines of the maintenance sales order.

Work Order

The number of the corresponding work order resource line.

Consumed Quantity

The unit that is used for the quantity or price.

Gross Margin Amount

Gross Margin Amount is the ratio of gross profit upon total costs or total sales amount. Gross Margin is calculated before discounts are given to the customer.

Gross Margin Amount = Total Sales Amount - Total Cost Amount


The Gross Margin Amount indicates profitability.

Gross Margin[%]

The Gross Margin Percentage is calculated on the basis of the maintenance sales order parameters, Use Margin Control and Margin Base.

Formula to Calculate Gross Margin %:

When the base is cost of sales:

Gross Margin = (Total Sales Amount - Total Cost Amount/Total Cost Amount) * 100

When the base is sales:

Gross Margin = (Total Sales Amount - Total Cost Amount / Total Sales Amount) * 100

Net Margin Amount

Net Margin Amount is the actual profit/loss that is incurred by a service company. It is calculated after the contract / warranty / goodwill coverage or any discount that is given to the customer.

Net Margin Amount = Invoice Sales Amount - Invoice Cost Amount

Net Margin[%]

The Net Margin Percentage:

Formula to Calculate Net Margin %:

When the base is Cost of Sales:

Net Margin % = (Net Invoicable Sales Amount - Net Invoiceable Cost Amount / Net Invoicable Cost Amount) * 100

When the base is sales:

Net Margin % = (Net Invoicable Sales Amount - Net Invoicable Cost Amount / Net Invoicable Sales Amount) * 100



Sets the status of the selected coverage line to Costed.

Tax Breakdown Structure

Starts the Tax Breakdown Structure (tctax9141m10l) session. This session displays the tax structure defined for the selected tax code.