Maintenance Sales Quotations (tsepp1100m000)

Use this session to create and maintain a quotation/price proposal for the items to be serviced/repaired. You can also calculate and print tax on the Maintenance Sales Quotations.

Use the following options to view the related orders within the service package and the related orders originating from the packages such as Purchase, Manufacturing and Warehouse:

  • Related To:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.
  • Related From:
    Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders that originate from the specific order.

Graphical Browser Framework allows you to view Multi level relations of the orders. You can view the details using the following options:

  • View Details:
    Use this option to view the details of the related order.
  • Reverse Tree:
    Use this option to start the Graphical Browser Framework in reverse mode starting from the order you select. For example, if you open Graphical Browser Framework in Related To mode, you can use the reverse option to view the orders in the Related From mode.

You can create a quotation before the status of the work order is Completed.



The first free number for the quotation.

Quotation Status

The status of the maintenance sales quotation.

The possible values are as follows:

  • Free
  • Printed
  • Accepted
  • Processed
  • Canceled

Related topics


The description of the quotation.

Search Argument

The search argument of the quotation.

Sold-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom the estimate is provided for the service/repair that must be performed on the specified item.


The description of the business partner.

Invoice-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom the invoice for service/repair is sent to.


The description of the invoice-to business partner.

Ship-to Business Partner

The business partner to whom the material required for service/repair is shipped to.


The description of the ship-to business partner.

Quotation Date

The date on which the quotation is created.

Effective Time

The date and time from which the quotation is effective.


LN classifies a quotation as effective when the current date falls between the effective date and the expiry date of the quotation.

Expiry Time

The date and time after which the quotation is not effective.


LN classifies a quotation as effective when the current date falls between the effective date and the expiry date of the quotation.

Maintenance Sales Order

The maintenance sales order that is created from the maintenance sales quotations.

Quotation Text

The text specified in the quotation.

Header Text

The text on the quotation header when you print the quotation.

Footer Text

The text on the quotation footer when you print the quotation.


The project to which the cost is pegged.


The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.

For more information, refer to


The description or name of the code.


The element that is linked to the project.


The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.


The description or name of the code.


The activity that is linked to the project.


The Project Cost Account to which cost is pegged is a combination of Project, Element and Activity.


The description or name of the code.

Service Department

The service department that performs the repair work on the specified item.

Service Type

The service type of the order quotation.


The name or description of the service type.

Coverage Type

The coverage type that is used to calculate coverages by warranty/contract.


The description of the coverage type.

Discount Policy

The Discount Policy determines the procedure that is used to apply the discount percentage or amount on the maintenance sales quotation.

The following are the two methods to apply the discounts:

  • Apply Discounts Before Coverage:
    Discounts are applied to sales amount and cost amount before any coverage is applied.
  • Apply Discounts After Coverage:
    Discounts are applied to sales amount and cost amount after all coverages are applied.
Discounts from Price Books

If this check box is selected,, discounts are retrieved from the price books defined in the Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000) session of Pricing.

Proposal Method

The method LN uses to calculate the quotation sales amount. The following are the available options:

  • Fixed
  • Fixed Plus
  • Budget Indicator
Sales Amount

The quotation sales amount that the LN calculates to carry out the service/repair.


The currency of the sales price/discounts/coverages and sales amount.


The description of the currency code.

Payment Terms

The code of the payment terms.


The description or name of the code.

Late Payment Surcharge

The code of the late payment surcharge.


This field is enabled only if the invoice-to business partner is specified.

Rate Type

The exchange-rate type that you want to use.


The description of the exchange rate type.

Rate Determiner

The rate determiner based on which the rate is determined.

Rate/Rate Factor

The currency exchange rate assigned to the quotation's currency in the Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000) session.


This rate is given in terms of the quotation currency's rate factor.

Rate/Rate Factor

The defined currency rate. Example, $1=Aus$ 28

Sales Price List

The Sales Price List from which the sales price is retrieved.

Sales Price List

The description of the sales price list.

VAT Based On

If this check box is selected, VAT calculation is based on goods or services.

Allowed values

VAT Based on

Tax Classification

The description or name of the code.

Cancel Date

The date on which the quotation is cancelled.

Cancel Reason

The code for the cancellation reason.

Cancelled By

The name of the employee who cancelled the maintenance sales quotation.


Make Correction

Changes the quotation status from Printed to Free.

Convert to FixedPlus Quotation

Changes the Proposal Method of the quotation from Fixed to Fixed Plus.

Approve Quotation

Approves the maintenance sales quotation.

Recalculate Sales Amount

Recalculates the sales amount. To recalculate the sales amount, LN completes the following steps:

  1. LN adds the amounts on all the cost lines and populates the Quotation Line Amount field in the Quotation Lines (tsepp1110m000) session.
  2. LN adds all the quotation line amounts and populates the sales amount on the order quotation header.

Calculates the quotation sales amount.

LN adds all the quotation line amounts and populates the order quotation header.

Related Orders From

Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders from which the current order originates from.

Related Orders To

Starts the Graphical Browser Framework that displays the orders which originate from the current order.