Selects the source of the new physical breakdown you create.
Select either of the following:
- Item Breakdown
- As-built Structure
- Bill of Material
Create Physical Breakdown Structure (tscfg2210m000)Use this session to create physical breakdowns from: Note The physical breakdowns can be created from standard items as well as from customized items.
Source Selects the source of the new physical breakdown you create. Select either of the following:
Deliveries Use this option to create a physical breakdown from Sales (after sales). The end item (of the sales order), P-BOM is copied to a physical breakdown. If this check box is selected, you can use the fields in the Selection Range group box to create a physical breakdown from a range of Installation groups, items or serialized items. For this selection range, a physical breakdown will be created. Installation Group The installation group to which the newly-created physical breakdown will be added. Note This field is only active if you select the Installation Group option in the Target field. Description The description or name of the code. Creation Time The start time when you select the Installation group range. Creation Time The end time when you select the Installation group range. From Item The initial item code in the range of serialized items, whose physical breakdowns are used to create a new physical breakdown. To Item The final item code in the range of serialized items, whose physical breakdowns are used to create a new physical breakdown. Note Insert only the top item of the bill of material , and you will get the entire bill of material. Description The name or description of the item. Target Selects the fate of the new physical breakdown you create. Allowed values Serialized Item Group The serialized-item group to which the serialized items in the newly-created physical breakdown will belong. By default, LN uses the serialized-item group defined for the top item from which the breakdown is created, in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session, but only if one is defined. Note If, in the Configuration Management Parameters (tscfg0100m000) session, the Serialized Item Group Usage check box is selected, this field must be filled. Serialized Item Group The description or name of the serialized item group. Service Department The service department that will carry out service and maintenance activities, on the serialized items in the newly-generated physical breakdown. Service Department The description or name of the service department. Delivery Time The date and time that the item is delivered by the service organization. The delivery date is used in calculating the warranties' end date in case the service organization or its dealer provides warranty. Check Effectivity If this check box is selected, you can enter the date on which the item's breakdown terms are checked for validity. Note This check box is only active if you select Item Breakdown in the Source field. Effective On The date on which the service item's breakdown terms are checked for validity. Note If you select the Check Effectivity check box, you can enter the date in this field. Generate Dummy Serial Numbers If this check box is selected, when you create a physical breakdown from an item breakdown, the serial numbers generated for the new serialized items will be marked as dummy serial numbers. These can be replaced later by their real serial numbers. Note This field is only active if you select Item Breakdown in the Source field. Consider Completed Production Orders Only If this check box is selected, only the completed production orders are processed to create physical breakdown structure. If this check box is cleared, all the production orders are processed to create physical breakdown structure. Note The field is enabled only when you select the option As-built Structure in the Source field. Generate Process Report Generate Error Report
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