The code that uniquely identifies the project.
Element Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc1510m000)Use this session to list budget lines with a material cost-type for the selected element and project. Note A material budget line is one that contains an item.
Project The code that uniquely identifies the project. Description The description or name of the code. Status The project status. Element The code that uniquely identifies the element. Description The description or name of the code. Status The budget status of the element. Budget Date The budget date that is used as the reference for currency transactions. By default, the budget date as specified for the project is added to the new budget lines. No Help topic is associated with this item. Adj. An asterisk indicates that the budget line belongs to an adjustment. Line No. The code that uniquely identifies the line number. Item The code that uniquely identifies the item. Note You can use the items of the following types:
Net Quantity The item's net quantity. Only applicable if:
Net quantity = Length x Number of units Net quantity = Length x Width x Number of units It is calculated according to one of the following formulas: Unit The code that uniquely identifies the unit. Budget Status The budget-line status. Effectivity Unit The effectivity unit code. This is a display field. Description The description or name of the code. Currency The currency.
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