Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000)

Use this session to generate a control budget based on an actual budget of one or more projects.

You can do a complete run or a net change run. Perform a complete control data run in the following cases:

  • For a new project.
  • If you changed the element budget structure.
  • If you changed the budget surcharges. The Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000) session does not check whether the budget surcharges are changed.
  • If an extension status changes to Actual and if there are already actual budget lines for the extension.

A net change run can cause zero lines in the control data (report). The control data report can have zero lines if:

  • The project budget is Element and the control budget is Activity, and you replace an activity on an element budget line.
  • The zero line is displayed to show the changes to the activity budget in the control data.

A single surcharge line is created even if the currency of the surcharge amount is different from the currency of the budget line.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth.

For more information, refer to:


Net Change Run

If this check box is selected, only the changes in the project budget will be generated in the control data, all other control data will remain as it was. As a result the generating process takes less time to finish.

  • If this check box is selected, and no control data exists, LN will perform a complete run instead.
  • This option is only available if, in the PTC Parameters (tpptc0500m000) session, the Log History of Budget check box is selected.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Generate control data and Project history.