External Scheduling Interface (tppss2231m000)

Use this session to export a project to an external scheduling package, such as Microsoft Project, using an XML file and to import the scheduling information back to Infor LN (after optimizing the project planning in the external scheduling package).

  • You can set the parameters for the external scheduling interface using the Project Planning Parameters (tppss0100s000) session.
  • You can import/ export multiple projects from/ to an external scheduling package.
  • You can only export the calendars defined in the Calendar Selection for External Scheduling Packages (tcccp0181m000), Employees (tccom0501m000), Trade Groups (tppdm0530m000) and the Standard Equipment (tppdm0112s000) sessions.

The values in the Activity Code Custom Field Text, Activity Description Custom Field Text, and Activity Primary Key Custom Field Text field must be different.


You can view the fields in the Options tab and the Selection tab only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.



The direction of flow of the XML files.

Allowed values

  • Import: The XML file is imported.
  • Export: The XML file is exported.

Indicate whether a single project or multiple projects must be imported from/ exported to an external scheduling package.

Allowed values

  • Single Project: You can import/ export only a single project from/ to the external scheduling package.
  • Multiple Projects: You can import/ export multiple projects to an external scheduling package simultaneously. Note: This option is enabled only if the Multiple Import/Export check box is selected in the Project Selection (tppss2140m000) session.

You can link only one project to an XML file.

Infor LN sets this field to Single Project, if the Multiple Import/Export check box is cleared in the Project Selection (tppss2140m000) session.


The code that uniquely identifies the project.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Export.


The description or name of the code.

Connection Node

The activity or node of the Infor LN Project that must be connected to the activity or node of a project in the external scheduling package. If you link a complete project in Infor LN to a project in the external scheduling package, this node is not specified.


To select an activity as the connection node, these are the constraints:

  • The child activity of a project cannot be selected as the connection node, if the related higher level or lower level activity is selected as the connection node by another planner in the external scheduling package.
  • No two planners can use the same connection node.
  • The selected connection node cannot be a milestone.
XML path

The path of the XML file that is exported. This field is displayed based on the type of user interface that is used.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.

XML file

The name of the XML file that is exported.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.

Start Application

If this check box is selected, LN starts the external schedule package application, after the XML has been created. This field is displayed based on the type of user interface that is used.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Export.


Starts the external schedule package application. This field is displayed based on the type of user interface that is used


This field is enabled only if the Start Application check box is selected and if the Export/Import field is set to Export.


The code that uniquely identifies the project.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.


The description or name of the code.

XML path

The path of the XML file that is exported. This field is displayed based on the type of user interface that is used.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.

XML file

The name of the XML file that is exported.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.

Project Number Group

The number group of the project. This is a display field.


The first free numbers of the project linked to the imported XML file.

  • This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import and the Selection field is set to Single Project.
  • You must specify the project series in this field when a new project must be created in Infor LN based on the data from the XML file.
  • The data of the series, for the project, is defaulted based on the user profile.

However, the application does not support all possible scenarios. For example, the series or task codes in a XML file can be more than the eight characters but the file cannot be successfully imported. This is because LN limits the number of characters that can be used for a series code to eight.

Enterprise Unit

The enterprise unit of the project linked to the imported XML file.


This field is enabled only if the Export/Import field is set to Import.

You must specify the enterprise unit in this field when a new project must be created.

Regenerate XML file

If this check box is selected, LN regenerates the XML file.


Information entered in an External Scheduling Package and stored in an XML file but not stored in LN could be lost.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

This field is enabled only if the Action field is set to Export.

Use LN Calendars

If this check box is selected, Infor LN calendar data is exported to the external scheduling interface and you can perform the planning using the calendars in the external scheduling package (ESP). It is recommended to use this option, since Infor LN uses these calendars as well.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN calendar data is not exported to the external scheduling interface. Effectively, the size of the calendar data in the exported XML file is reduced. Planning date and the duration are scheduled in the external scheduling package (ESP), based on the external scheduling package (ESP) calendar.


By default, this check box is selected.

This field is enabled only if the Regenerate XML file check box is selected.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.


The code of the calendar that you want to make available to external scheduling packages.


The description or name of the code.

Availability Type

The default availability type that the external scheduling package uses.


The description or name of the code.

Show Warnings

If this check box is selected, LN displays warning messages when there is an error in executing the integration the process.


The status of the XML file when you import/ export to an integration external schedule package.


The description of the status.

Transfer Resource

If this check box is selected, LN exports the material cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.


This field affects the performance of the CPU and the database growth if several resources are transferred.


If this check box is selected, LN exports the labor cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.


If this check box is selected, LN exports only the employee labor cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.

Trade Group

If this check box is selected, LN exports only the trade group labor cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.

Labor Cost Object

If this check box is selected, LN exports all labor cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.


If this check box is selected, LN exports the equipment cost objects (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.

Subcontracting Costs

If this check box is selected, LN exports the subcontracting cost (including price, hours and quantity) of the project to an external schedule package.

Sundry Costs

If this check box is selected, LN exports the sundry costs of the project to an external schedule package.

Transfer Assignment

The assignment level of material cost objects (resources) exported to the activities/budget lines (tasks) of the external schedule package.


The assignment level of labor cost objects (resources) exported to the activities/budget lines (tasks) of the external schedule package.


The assignment level of equipment cost objects (resources) exported to the activities/budget lines (tasks) of the external schedule package.

Subcontracting Costs

The assignment level of subcontracting cost objects (resources) exported to the activities/budget lines (tasks) of the external schedule package.

Sundry Costs

The assignment level of sundry costs to be exported to an external schedule package.

Task Name based on

The activity related data on which the task name of the ESP is based.

Allowed values

Task Name based on


Default value is Code.

This field is enabled only for the new imports/ exports, and exports that are regenerated.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

For import related to new projects and new lines, the activity code in ESP must be specified in:

  • The Task Name field in the ESP, if this field is set to Code or
  • The specific Text field in the ESP which is mapped to the Activity Code Custom Field Text field. Example, if the value in the Activity Code Custom Field Text field is 25, then the Activity Code/ Budget Line Object Code must be specified in the ESP custom Text 25 field.
Activity Code Custom Field Text

The custom text field in the ESP in which the activity code is specified. Example, if the value in this field is 2, the Activity Code/ Budget Line Object Code must be specified in the ESP custom Text 2 field.


Default value is 2.

This field is mandatory.

This field is enabled only for the new imports/ exports, and exports that are regenerated.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

Activity Description Custom Field Text

The number of the custom text field in ESP in which the activity description must be specified. Example, if the value in this field is 2, then the Activity Description/ Budget Line Object Description must be specified in the ESP custom Text 2 field.


Default value is 3.

This field is mandatory.

This field is enabled only for the new imports/ exports, and exports that are regenerated.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

Activity Primary Key Custom Field Text

The custom text field in the ESP in which the primary key related to the activity is specified. Example, if the value in this field is 2, the Activity Primary Key/ Budget Line Object Primary Key must be specified in the ESP custom Text 2 field.


Default value is 1.

This field is mandatory.

This field is enabled only for the new imports/ exports, and exports that are regenerated.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.


The code of the organization breakdown structure defined for the activity that is linked to the project.


You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

Export OBS

If this check box is selected, the organization breakdown structure data of the project is exported to the external scheduling package.


By default, this check box is cleared.

Infor LN selects this check box if the Export OBS check box is selected in the Project Planning Parameters (tppss0100s000) session.

You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.

OBS Outline Code

The outline code of the external scheduling package that must be mapped with the organization breakdown structure code in Infor LN.


You can view this field only if the Selection field is set to Single Project.



Processes the XML file.

Project Selection

Starts the Project Selection (tppss2140m000) session.

Reset Selection

Resets the Selection field to Single Project.

This button is enabled only if the Multiple Import/Export check box is selected in the Project Selection (tppss2140m000) session.


Disconnects the link with the external scheduling interface.

This button is enabled when you have to:

  • Perform the planning in external scheduling package.
  • Complete the planning initiated by another user.
  • Change the activity level at which the planning is performed.